Flea Removal Naturally

As your pets come back home from a walk, so do some unwelcome hitch-hikers. Fleas and ticks can be transferred to your pet via gardens and contact with other pets & animals. Fleas and ticks may cause a lot of harm to both your pets as well as humans. At the Pet Lovers Network, you’ll find diverse possible choices to get rid of these fleas and ticks.

There are a significant amountof healthy alternatives you can use to get rid of fleas and ticks.

  • Apply herbal flea powder sparingly To your pet’s coat.
  • Use herbal flea collars.
  • Apply natural skin tonic as a general skin toner, bug repellent, and mange treatment.
  • Add nutritive or brewer’s yeast and garlic to the animal’s diet.
  • Sprinkle your carpets with a special anti-flea mineral salt or plain cooking salt will do, It’ll dehydrate the Fleas.
  • On occasion (a couple of times a annually) sprinkle natural, unrefined diatomaceous earth (which kills insects) along your walls, under your furniture, and in cracks where you can’t vacuum, although not directly on your pets.
  • Use sprays or powders containing pyrethrins or natural pyrethrums, because they are the least toxic of all insecticides used on pets.
  • Another gentle weapon against fleas is a good flea comb with closely spaced teeth. Your pet should be brushed often during flea season, likely each day. When you find fleas, place them into a container of soap suds to kill them and stop their spread.
  • Try one hundred percent natural, preservative-free foods, a healthy pet is more able to fight Fleas: Additions like brewer’s yeast, raw garlic, zinc, and barley grass concentrates. Check with your veterinarian relating to the right doses dependent on weight.
  • Natural repellents do exist. Essential oils like citronella, tea tree, wintergreen, and eucalyptus have been proven to work. Please be cautious as some of these oils might be dangerous to your pet if they lick it off their coat.
  • Vacuum all surfaces where fleas and their eggs may live, and wash blankets and sheets in hot soapy water.

When you have a flea onset you need to remain conscientious in continuing treatment of your pets and your environment in order to ensure there is no return of the difficulty.

If these natural remedies do not work it may be necessary to call in the experts and have you home professionally treated for fleas. Although this uses strong chemicals it is effective and can result in happier pets.

The Pet Lovers Network is a thrilling on line pet community where passionate pet owners can connect, share concepts and get relevant information about their pets. It is also a place where you can access a big number of pet care products and services through our extensive online directory.

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