Is A Pet Frog Right For You

Frogs as pets are increasing n popularity. This is part of a trend where reptile sales are increasing year after year. The best selling frogs include the PacMan, famous for its PacMan like physical appearance, and the Green Treefrog. Treefrogs thrive in small groups and are extremely friendly. Reptiles and Amphibians are only suitable for kids 10 and up thanks to the salmonella risk. This is avoided with good hygiene like cleaning hands after handling.

Frogs are also popular due to their small size. Most amphibians are 2 to 4 inches in length. Some species such as the Ornate Horned Frog can grow to 6 to 9 inches. Other aspects of caring for Frogs include the need to create a tropical habitat. hese pets primarily eat insects, are nocturnal, and are superior climbers. Owning an amphibian is a long-term commitment, with some species living 15 or more years in captivity.

The characteristics and habits of pet frogs would depend on the species. For instance, several species like to burrow in the substrate (material that covers the bottom of an aquarium) while others climb on trees. Most frogs need somewhere to hide. A hiding box or space reduces stress and helps a frog feel safe.

There is one problem with having frogs as pets. Caregivers must keep touching and handling to a bare minimum. They have sensitive skin that provides added respiratory capacity. Handling by humans may expose the frog to infection and restrict this essential skin function.

Another challenge is the frog diet. These insectivores thrive on insects like crickets, waxworms and mealworms. In addition to insects, frogs require a dietary supplement to make up for a lack of direct sunlight in capativity. Most frogs also need a calcium supplement.

Setting up a terrarium is one of the most rewarding aspects of caring for a pet frog. A tropical habitat balances land and water areas to create the perfect home. To raise humidity levels, tanks are covered with a moss substrate. Plants can also help to keep humidity levels high. Misting the tank with water encourages drinking and raises humidity as well.

Since many frogs are tropical animals, they also require higher levels of heat during the daytime. Depending on the species, daytime temperatures should range from 80F on the cool end of the tank to 85F on the heated end.. At night the temperature needs to be 5F to 10F lower. This is done with a ceramic heat lamp placed on the exterior of the tank,

With all of the above you are now prepared to purchase a pet. Always inspect the physical condition of any frog before purchasing. A good specimen will be alert, have clear eyes, will vocalize (if applicable for that species), and will be active. A frog or any amphibian can offer years of joy. Frogs kept in a home habitat can live for ten or more years.

Cathy Doggins is the author of this and many other articles on frogs as pets. When not writing about unusual animals, Cathy can be discovered adopting her next cool small pet or playing with her guinea pigs and rabbits.

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