Use Dog Bark Collars To Train Your Dog
Your dog is no longer a puppy and he no longer has that cute little yip that was so cute. The former puppy grew up into a fully developped dog and today he barks loud and all the time, mainly at night. Not only are you bothered by the constant barking but also your neighbours. They may have even reported it to the authorities. Do something quick, or you may have to give up to your noisy companion. You tried to make him quiet in different ways, but he just didn’t listen to you. You should use one of the available Dog Bark Collars to make him listen.
Contrary to the opinion of many, collars of this type do not hurt dogs. The electric shocks they deliver are no stronger than the two little AA bateries can charge. Though the electronic collars issue mild shocks these are unpleasant enough for your dog to stop barking. At night and at some other moments barking is inappropriate, but not all the time. Let your dog wear one of these collars only during the times that he should not be barking. He is and intelligent pet and will learn not to bark when wearing the collar.
Dog bark collars have an electronic device that detects sounds over a certain decibel and gives a mild shock to the dog when he barks loud enough to be detected. After the dog is shocked for two or three times, it gets discouraged from barking. The common belief is that these electric shocks are inhumane, but they are as mild as the static shocks we experienced sometimes at home. For certain they are more humane then giving the dog to a canine shelter where he may end up being put to sleep.
You and your dog will be much happier when he learns when it is okay to bark and when it is not. It is very simple to put his collar when he is not allowed to bark and remove it the rest of the day. All the people in the family will appreciate a quiet evening and some peaceful sleep. And your neighbours will be grateful.
When you decide to use a collar, be sure you choose the right size. There are Dog Bark Collars for every size of the dogs. Even if he is a smaller one. It is sometimes the smaller breeds that bark the most and the loudest. Every time you use the collar, adjust it so the electronic device fits snug against the dog but is not too tight. If the collar is fit properly, the dog won’t feel any discomfort.
To make sure about the safety of dog bark collars, try one on your own hand. Try it on your hand and you will see it is not harmfull at all. Think that your dog is safer with a dog bark collar than with an angry neighbour throwing rocks and shoes at him. Get one today and the whole neighbourhood will be sleeping through the night again soon.