The Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest of the five existing rhino species. Once common to ancient rainforests during the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, along with China, today they are found in Sumatra, Borneo, plus Malaysia. About 300 individuals are alive over the wild, largest the IUCN Red Listing to rank them as critically endangered.

Often known as the hairy rhino because of its reddish-brown coat of hair, this animal is solitary except for when breeding plus raising young, which occurs once every three years. The largest populations live on the thick tropical forests of three national parks on Indonesia’s island of Sumatra. They’re opportunistic feeders who forage a wide sort of plant life. The Sumatran rhino can live as long as forty years.

Poaching is the important consequence~of huge magnitude~of the essence} cause of the Sumatran rhino’s disappearance by the wild. A traditional ingredient in Chinese medicine, Sumatran rhino horn is worth as much as $30,000 through the black market. Habitat loss is also a factor, as logging and the transformation of forest into agricultural land increases. Because rhino populations are scattered, breeding in addition to reproduction are complex to accomplish.

The species was placed over the CITES Appendix I in 1975 plus is legally protected in all mixture states. Whereas an earlier captive conservation project was unsuccessful, an international effort is being implemented in Indonesia with Malaysia to ensure the sustainability of the Sumatran rhino. The primary objective is to end poaching so that populations can reach self-sufficiency. Rhino Protection Units are seen as a great aid in stopping poaching in Sumatra, plus the expansion along with reinforcement of these programs is top priority.

Captive breeding programs involving additional than twenty animals in Indonesia, Malaysia, as well as the United States have also shown small successes. Successful births at the Cincinnati Zoo in 2001 as well as again in 2004 are proof that there is hope-one of these juvenile rhinos was returned to Sumatra to be introduced to the wild.

“The smallest of the rhino species, the Sumatran Rhino now faces extinction. The use of its horns as well as other body parts in traditional Chinese medicine creates a demand that greedy poachers are enthusiastic to fill”
-Asia Geographic


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