The Polar Bear
The polar bear may seem scaty, yet it is incredibly vulnerable. Its population is dropping at just about the same rate Antarctic ice is. The polar bear has become a strong symbol of the effects of climate change. We don’t require it near become listed as “critically endangered”. That would maintain too late.
This majestic animal is the world’s largest land carnivore. The current population of polar bears inside the wild is estimated at between twenty- and twenty-five thousand. Some 60 percent of the world’s polar bears are found in Canada and the retreat appear during other areas of the Arctic Circle including Greenland, Svalbard, Russia and Alaska. The biggest threat in the direction of these bears today is humanity, during the form of global warm- ing. The IUCN Red List classes the polar bear as vulnerable.
Male polar bears can weigh up en route for 680. kilograms (1,500 lbs) and measure between two and three meters (6.5 – 9.8 ft) in length. The largest polar bear ever recorded weighed 1,200 kilograms (2,210lbs). Although they have black skin under their fur that absorbs the sun’s warmth, polar bears are so well insulated for their arctic environment that they necessitate toward move slowly in the direction of avoid overheating.
They are the top predator in the arctic marine ecosystem, but they are no match for hunters. European, Russian, and American hunters arrived in Arctic regions inside the 1600s and hunted the polar bear greedily until the mid-1970s. Inside 1973, an international agreement put an end toward uncontrolled already in the market.
Many other significant reasons make the polar bear vulnerable on the way to extinction. Current climate trends due en route for global warming are reducing the arctic ice shelf. Some experts believe there will keep no ice within Hudson Bay by 2080. The North is also receiving increasing amounts of industrial pollution from southern points. Lots of of these chemicals are lipophilic, or fat loving, and bond en route for the fat molecules of the polar bear’s prey. Increased shipping and oil exploration are immediate sources of pollution that degrade the polar bear’s territory: they also lead toward increases during human-bear interaction.
Since polar bears are not fast reproducers and since there is no indication ofa reduction of pollution-causing industry elsewhere inside the world, experts agree that polar bears have a difficult road ahead of them.
“The listing of a currently healthy species based entirely on highly speculative and uncertain climate and ice modeling and equally uncertain and speculative modeling of possible impacts on a species would be unprecedented.” -Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, 2007. Her administration filed suit against the federal government challenging the Interior Department’s listing of the polar bear as “threatened.”