Pet Memorials: Are They Good For You?
Pet memorials of assorted kinds are becoming more and more common among people who have experienced pet loss. In the previous times, the whole process of commemorating pets is not identical with that of humans, though a link is established that the loss of a close relative or friend can generate the same grief when it comes to losing a pet. For this purpose, commemorating a pet is just as sensible as commemorating someone, because in both events, the act of recollecting is a process of healing and promoting closure.
If you have experienced the loss of a pet, are pet memorials the right choice for you? That depends entirely on you-how attached you were to your pet, and how you determine to deal with loss. Moreover, there is one aspect that is certain: the process of overcoming the loss is just comparable. Loss is loss, and grief is grief, regardless of what or whom has been lost.
Whether or not you decide on a pet memorial, you must be aware that you have experienced a form of loss, and for health reasons you must find some way to deal with it. For a lot of individuals, this need is resolved with pet memorials. They are the method for closure, and it would be best if you give assistance to the person who is in grief to realize the loss and continue his life and remember instead the good memories with the pet at such time when he has recovered.
Types Of Pet Memorials
Pet memorials consist of loads of shapes and sizes. Conventional types of pet memorials closely resemble those things we usually see surrounding the death of a loved one (e.g., funerals, grave markers, urns). However, there are some people who find that these mementos actually remind them more of death than of life, and in many cases only increase the grief.
Because of this, people are embarking on other non-traditional means to remember their pets. Examples of creative types of memorials might consist of commissioned artwork, commemorative jewelry like lockets or blown glass, memorial websites, art boxes filled with sentimental items, and so on. Some people who are more artistically inclined may find that creating their own pet memorial artwork allows you bring closure and healing, while others might want to commission artists to create the memorial for them. One artist even goes to a point where abstract heart-themed memorial paintings for pets are designed, with a personal touch with the fur or ashes of the pet.
Finally, choosing a pet memorial which is suitable for you requires better familiarity with your personality, your heart as well as your feelings. The crucial thing is to perform what is vital to assist yourself in the process of healing and overcoming grief.