It’s Not Too Late To Tackle Gum Disease
An increasing concern is gum disease. Sometimes, we don’t understand what it really means until it hits us. Gum disease best described, is bacteria that accumulates in our mouth that continually produces and has negative effects on our gums.
When the gum is affected negatively it has impact on our teeth as well. The bacteria, destroys the tissues supporting the teeth. You will hear this term also referred to as periodontal disease which is the medical term. Some people might use a home ozonator to help create an oxygenated mouthwash.
You may be wondering now where the bacteria originates from. Well, our mouths are so busy talking and eating, being open a lot, it is susceptible to attracting bacteria. Bacteria build up, turns into plaque. Plaque attaches or forms on your teeth. Normally this can be controlled with regular professional cleanings you get during your dental exams. Brushing your teeth after each meal and snack, and a thorough floss after brushing and meals is a good way to avoid fight off plaque build up.
If over the course of time you have not practiced good, daily oral hygiene, and hadn’t made regularly scheduled visits to a professional for cleaning, you will move into the next stage of gum disease. Some devices that may help are oral irrigators This is when the plaque develops into a harder coating known as tarter. The substance is so hard or tightly attached to the teeth making it hard to remove. It can normally only be removed by a professional.
Once plaque transitions to hard tarter, if you have not had it removed professionally, then the next state begins. Your tissues and bones deteriorate impacting the teeth. Eventually, the teeth will become loose. Ultimately, you will begin losing them. Perhaps the hydro floss is the best of the oral irrigators to utilize.
Gum disease is becoming a big health distress. The advanced technologies and medical developments show the circumstance is not hopeless, it can be treated successfully.
Author: Scott Wells
Disclaimer: This article is for information only and does not intend to advise, diagnose or treat any health issues. If you have or think you might have a health issue, including, but not limited to gum disease, visit your periodontist or doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about products in this article.