What’s A Marine Aquarium?

A marine aquarium is a controlled environment or eco-system that supplies the prerequisites for sea life. Over a period Greenhorn Aquarists have divided marine aquariums into three different types:

  1. Fish Only (FO)
  2. Fish Only with Live Rock (FOWLR)
  3. Reef Tank

The (FO) fish only tanks are often devoted to giant or aggressive sea species and sometimes use mechanical and chemical filter systems.

The (FOWLR) fish only with live rock tanks and reef tanks both use live rock and also live sand. Live Rock is composed of rock and sediment that's encrusted with coral skeletons that harbor constructive metabolizing bacteria that manage nitrogen waste as a way of a natural biological filter.

Marine tanks differ from freshwater systems thanks to the basic differences between the two in that salt water inhabitants aren't so adaptable to switch in the water quality and content. Because water conditions can remain constant for hundreds or perhaps thousands of years varying only by geographical locale many marine inhabitants have lost their ability to evolve quickly to change. They have however evolved well to the environment in their locale and are very efficient. Freshwater is much more likely to change and therefore its inhabitants are also quite adaptable to switch.

A marine aquarium needs more gear than freshwater aquarium to maintain water stableness and consistency. This incurs the necessity to monitor and adjust water conditions on a regular basis. On a fresh marine aquarium or an established small tank this will be a regular regime. Generally with marine aquariums, the bigger the better so far as water quality control. Giant established marine tanks that have finished their nitrogen cycle and are properly balanced with stock maintain water conditions way easier. This is essentially because of the volume of water compared with waste bi-products from the inhabitants. Remember however that a large tank is a sizeable investment and and a heap to lose if the tank fail. Little to medium tanks are more affordable and in my mind though more upkeep they help the beginner Aquarist to build up their talents. Additionally , marine animals aren’t as simple to acquire and are more costly to purchase but they're but wonderful in their variety and colours. The beauty of marine life is unique and the variety of marine animals is also much bigger.

The 1 has indulged in both tropical freshwater and marine tanks on and off for over 20 years. Supplying a total series in the works on marine tank setup for noobs on his new site.

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