Passive Puppy Training.


Having a well-mannered dog around the house requires time spent on training.It’s usually done after your dog has aged a few months.As do other mammals, young dogs go through an adjustment time, getting used to life outside of mommy’s womb.They can’t hold it as long as olders dogs can but their bowel or bladder control improves as they age a little.

You’d need to know how to passively train your pup because you can’t be there to watch him 24/7.

Before continuing, see this article on Stop Dog Chewing.

While You Were Not Home.

The quickest way to ensure contnued house-training despite being unsupervised is paper training.Here are some tips on how to do it.

Pick a room in the house where you can deposit your pup when you’d be gone for hours.When you’re leaving for work and would be gone until sundown, bring your pet into the room and lock him in.Line the floor with old magazine pages.Make sure he has all he needs with him in the room – food, toys, bed, water.

In the beginning, your pup is bound to poop all over the place so you’ll be cleaning up after him a lot.Be patient. Clean up and lay new sheets when you come in.In time, your pup will show a preference for a certain spot on the floor for doing his business.When the rest of the papers remain dry and clean all day, you can start taking some of the paper carpeting off the floor.

See more information on How to Stop Dog Whining.

Take away the farthest of the paper carpeting pieces first.Inch forward daily, removing the paper carpeting as you go toward your pet’s obvious elimination preference.In time, leaving a few sheets on the floor will be enough.When you’re dog’s poop winds up outside the papered area at some point, it means you’re going too fast.Move back to laying more paper, recovering a larger space on the floor.Down to one or two sheets with your pet pooping reliably on the sheets, you can start working toward moving his elimination spot to where you prefer it.

Deliberately push the sheet toward where you’d want your the pup to defecate.Move it forward every day, like you did earlier.You know you’re moving too quickly too soon when poop winds up outside the papered area; move it back to where your pup pooped on it previously.Continue with the exercise until you have it where you want it and your pup only poops on the sheet of paper you leave him with.

Setbacks Shouldn’t Be Suprising.

Be patient when passively house training your pet.Don’t let it discourage you when your pup seems to be relapsing to old habits after some progress.Just revert to laying more paper on a wider area.

You can also read this article to get more information Puppy House Training.

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