Ferret Care
Everyone who owns a ferret wants to be the best owner they can be. So what are you waiting for? I’m going to show you the basics of good ferret care. The 5-steps to really good ferret await.
More information on good ferret health basics is available here… Awesome Ferret Blog
Lets begin…
Ferret Care step 1
Getting the right home – The first step to great ferret care getting the right cage for your ferrets. Their house should be spacious and give them BOTH a hammock and a bed to sleep in. It should also have enough toys and playthings to keep them entertained as well as sturdy water and food feeders.
Ferret Care step 2
Good ferret nutrition – To ensure your ferrets live a long and healthy life the type of food and treats you give them is very important. Ferret snacks are OK, but be careful what you give your ferret.
Ferret Care step 3
Proper handling – It’s important you are comfortable handling your ferret. Cleaning them, inspecting them and checking them for signs of ill health will be a must.. Increasing the time you spend handling them will help them feel more comfortable. Lot’s of play and ferret bonding is also essential.
Ferret Care step 4
Ferret health – Knowing what’s right and what’s not right with your ferret’s health is a must! Ferrets suffer disease and ill-health like any other pet, so early detection is a neccesity.. Becoming comfortable in the basics of good ferret health can save you pain further down the path. For in-depth reviews of the top ferret care guides look at… Ferret Guide
Ferret Care step 5
Ferret training – When it comes to great ferret care it is crucial to you and your ferret enjoying your time together that you are able guide your ferret to use litter trays correctly, stop them biting, and even teach them to use a lead. Ferret training can be an absolute life saver. You can read some great articles on ferret training methods for different areas of ferret training over at Train a ferret
So there it is! My overall good ferret care principles. Just choose one are that appeals to you and improve your skill in this area, then move on to the next. Take care!!