A Horse Owners Personality Is Told By His Bit Collection

You’ll find plenty of unused, inapplicable and partly used stuff collecting cobwebs in the tack room of any horse owner who has been at it for a long period of time. I know of a lot of individuals who’ve got a lot more bits than horses.

Take a quick look at the catalog of any tack dealer, and you will see whole section on bits: English bits, Western bits and bits of types you simply will not recognize. Some of the bits on sale are advised by well-known characters in the world of horses who possibly developed those bits, use them or are paid to make you believe so. A lot of ardent horse folks rush to buy bits endorsed by their favourite idol.

There are any number of reasons for the huge collections of bits stores carry, some of them attributable to horses and some to riders. Even if you’re keen on a single type of bit, you will find a huge range of derivative bits. Bits are made of various material and come in plenty of styles and sizes. They also come with plenty of mouthpiece options. I had an instructor a couple of years back who once remarked to me that she wasn’t extraordinarily keen on aluminium bits, but still kept a few of them handy because once in a while she would run into a horse who appeared to prefer only aluminium bits. She was bright enough to know when to let these horses have their own way on small problems; on serious problems she made the decisions. The arrangement typically worked fine for her and her horses.

Individuals that are into showing keep a wide selection of bits. For each discipline they participate in, they use the right bit. Within each discipline, as well as , they use different bits for different horses, English pleasure riding bits are much different from bits in classes to do with the hunt seat, while bits for western pleasure riding involve a completely different type of bit. Eventually, within each type and sub-type of bit, there are bits of numerous sizes and material and mouthpiece types.

I find that people who’ve problems with horses have a tendency to keep on accumulating bits because they’re busy getting a newer one every day or two for the horse. They believe the answer to a recalcitrant pony is a harsher bit. You’ll find bits of whatever size and types (mild to very grim) in the barns of people like this. You may find some rather questionable bits like those with twisted wire, those with chain mouthpieces, or those with longer mouthpieces. Such a collection wouldn’t talk well for the pony owners concerned , who clearly believe in cruel bits being the answer to their recalcitrant horses. These people have neither the patience nor the wish to get pro help with their horses.

A pony person’s bit collection can tell a lot of stories about that person. In specific , the collection tells stories about the person’s horsemanship. You’ll find horse owners whose collections consist of simple shanked bits with mouthpieces as light as feathers, and you will find horse owners who appear to believe pain brings out the finest in horses.

If I were in the market for a horse, I have completely no question about which pony owner I’d give my custom to.

Horses are Heather Tomspassion and she enjoys sharing her extensive knowledge through her 100s of articles with other horse lovers click here

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