Beagle BarkingInformation
It is likely that during the time you have your pet beagle you will come across some issues with excessive barking. This is not uncommon and is something that most owners will have to deal with sometimes.
There are actually quite a few reasons why beagles bark a lot, it will never be just totally random. We have some tips for controlling the behaviour and have listed some of them in this article for you to look over.
Always aim to be prompt when beginning beagle training. Don’t leave it weeks before you start to obedience train your dog. Wait a few days if you like but after that make sure the training starts and is continued. You can look at how to stop beagle barking for more examples of how this can control beagle barking well.
It is a good idea to try and train your dog to bark when you tell him to. Have a word that you will repeat every time he barks. This will get him used to the fact that that particular word is associated with the act of barking.
Its important to have a clear command that tells your dog to be quiet and stop barking. If it is used over time then he will begin to understand the reason why you are giving that instruction.
Whenever giving any kind of command to your beagle it is important to maintain a strong, firm tone of voice that has confidence. This will show him that you are serious. Never shout though as this will just create fear. This can have an effect on beagle barking, go to and find out how.
Why not leave the TV on when you have to go out? This will tell your beagle that someone is still around so he wont feel alone. Often dogs just bark because they are feeling lonely. Alternatively you can leave the raido on for some background noise as well.
We recommend beagle barking if you want to read a lot more about stopping beagle barking problems for good.