Beware of Dangerous Cat!

A lot of people planning on buing or adopting a cat, are forgetting several important facts. Hair, claws, and litterbox. These are the things to keep in mind at all times, as a cats have been known to sharpen their claws on couches and archairs, and if their litter box is not clean, you might have some nasty presents around the house.

I knew all of the above, but still decided to get one. I took it upon myself to take care of a small, Birmanese kitten. It was cute, soft, warm, and cuddly, and my girlfriend loved playing with it. It got used to us in a couple of days, and soon, nothing in the apartment was safe from its curious little paws.

When I say nothing, I mean nothing. My favorite CDs were totally and completely scratched by that cat  to death, I had to buy something to put over my couch because it was getting destroyed and I always had to make sure it had something to eat. If it didn’t, it had a bad habit of getting up on the kitchen table and sinking its paws into anything it could find. Try drinking milk with kitty hair in it…

Unfortunately, another item that fell to its claws was my iriver clix 2gb. I really loved that thing and considered it to be one of the best things I’d bought. Even though my girlfriend found it funny how I found it chewed up in a corner, I was determined to give the kitty away. Until she bought me a new player and I wasn’t mad anymore.

I have adapted, since then, and store my important things in impossible to reach places. If something else of mine is destroyed, I try to think of it as my fault. My not-so-little kitty now goes wherever it pleases in my house, and plays with pretty much everything. But I do love it!


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