Archive for Birds

Your Pet Bird’s Toys And Accessories

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

You cannot always entertain your pet bird,  that is why your pet bird should have accessories and toys to entertain them. Actually bird toys and other cage accessories are not just there for boredom, they are also mental stimuli which help in the development of our avian companion.  Birds are intelligent animals, the need an active environment to keep them active and healthy. 

Birds without enough stimuli in their environment can lead to depression and behavioural issues.  This is typical to caged birds who have stayed inside their cages for a long time.  This is why bird owners are recommended to provide their birds enough time outside their cage.  But it is unavoidable, let us say that pet owners are working from eight to ten hours a day.  That is a long time for a bird to stay in a cage without other people to socialize with.  This is where accessories and toys come in handy.

Challenging toys are great to enhance your bird’s intellect.  This would include puzzle toys and other accessories which encourage problem-solving skills.  Also choose toys which are very engaging, in loud and vibrant colors, toys with different kinds of textures, and toys that have sounds like bells.

When choosing bird toys, consider the size of your bird.  Big birds can break small things with their beaks.  While smaller birds can get overwhelmed by the accessories bigger than them.

There are also some necessary precautions that you need to know when getting toys for your birds.   These items can also pose some danger to your animals.  Your bird can get toxic substance poisoning from the toys.  There are toys which have high zinc and lead content which can lead to heavy metal poisoning.Sources of toxic materials can be even dyes and paints.

Birds can also get entangled in some toys, while birds can chew and swallow some parts of it. Some toys which can cause entanglement are rope toys or hanging chain toys.  Aside from being entangled with it, they can also get seriously injured by trying to get out of it on their own.  Not only should you watch for ropes, chains and links, there are instances where toys have holes in them and your bird can get trapped in it.

So, upon purchase of a new toy, it should only be tried with the complete supervision of the owner.  This would ensure that the bird would not get tangled or swallow any part of the new toy.  There are items which a bird can swallow some parts o it, like wood, plastic and fabric toys.  Also, there are periods where a bird undergoes a “teething stage” and tends to bite and eat anything that comes in contact.  So, pet owners should be cautious during this period.

Here are some toys and accessories best avoided: 

• Concrete perches claim that they were able to trim the bird’s nails authomticcalh.  But the sad thing is that this product harms the birds feet and can leave nasty wounds and scratches.

• Mite protectors are said to help in shielding birds from parasites.  This protectors emits fumes which can be bad to your bird’s health. When attacked by parasites you can help out the bird by bringing the, to vet or an avian professor immediately.To put cover on the floor of the cage is also liked by some of the pet owners.  It is best to avoid styro-coverings or similar to this.  This kind of flooring may get into the digestive system of the bird once it starts picking and eating it.

Getting your pet bird accessories and toys are not just a treat, it is necessary to make sure that they are developing mentally and physically.  But it is also important to take necessary precautions when choosing.  We just don’t pick the one in bright red or green, we pick something since it is beneficial and safe for our avian family members.

Useful Articles About Good Parrot Care Makes For Happy Parrots – You Must Read This

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Parrots have long been an attraction for folks in the wild and as pets. They are an absolutely magnificent species and their range of colors, size and individual characteristics are admired by completely different parrot lovers.One thing that parrot parents want to make sure of is their parrot care. Owning a parrot isn’t any different than owning any pet, they need to be sorted correctly therefore that their health is maintained in any respect times.

The following is a list of basic wants for a pet parrot:

– The correct size cage or aviary
– Regular cleaning of the cage or aviary so that no bacteria is going to hurt the parrot
– The correct sort of food in their diet with consideration to the proper combine of food
– Feeding at the correct time for a parrot
– Water for bathing the parrot in a dish or as an alternate they are doing prefer to be misted with a spary bottle
– Water for drinking as this is often quite separate to bathing water or alternatively mist spray the bird once a day
– Suitable perches for the bird, one that’s the right size and tree branches are ideal so that they’ll decide at them as they like to do
– Toys to travel in the cage for a parrot to play with therefore that it can not get bored
– Sensible perch for the parrot to use outside the cage
– Cover for the parrot when it goes to sleep at midnight

When the ‘basics’ of parrot care is covered the parrot owner will realize that they need a terribly happy parrot and not solely will the parrot be happy, the owner will realize the parrot is more acceptable to being taught to talk and to do tricks. A stressed parrot is not going to learn. Not terribly different from humans really! We tend to do not learn well when we are stressed, either.

At initial it appears like a lot of labor, but once you’re organized it will not seem to be so difficult. They’re reliant on the owner doing all the correct things to form sure their life among the family confines could be a happy one. Companionship Parrots are birds that enjoy living in a very flock therefore during a home scenario the parrot goes to consider the family its flock and because of this it is vital that there is a ton of interaction between the bird and therefore the family. Once familiarity is made it’s easy to inform when a parrot is unhappy and parrot house owners will take steps to do something about that because the parrot may would like toys or additional company.

It’s advisable that when little children are visiting be around an uncaged parrot that there is adult supervision, particularly with the bigger parrots. In saying that I have some lovely photos of my tiny kids holding feed trays out to parrots and therefore the expertise was enjoyed by all. Checkout more other FREE articles about dog weight, pregnant dogs and small puppies

Many Bird Owners Wonder Whether They Should Trim Or File Their Pet Bird’s Beak – You Must Read This

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010

Many bird owners wonder whether they should trim or file their pet bird’s beak. We tend to as pet owners like to know we tend to do the proper thing by them, after all we tend to are wholly responsible for every and every animal that we tend to have. It is vital to keep an eye fixed on any changes in your bird’s beak, from over growing, underneath growing, discoloured, cracked, changing form, becoming soft, changing into brittle, too shiny, improper alignment of high and bottom beaks etc, etc. Anything that’s changing from what is traditional for your bird is best to be tested by an avian veterinarian. Don’t wait until it’s too late, as some issues are caused by diet and will be overcome quite simply, simply by changing or adding totally different foods and introducing items that may keep the bird’s beak in tip top shape.

Our Quaker Parrot, Charlie, likes to chew on branches from trees that we place around the house, both indoors and outside. Once he has chewed all of the skin layer from them we have a tendency to replace them with new branches. He loves to climb all over the branches and chews to his hearts content, while it is terribly messy it conjointly keeps him amused. We have a tendency to have totally different sizes and styles of branches so as he must open his beak in numerous ways. We conjointly give him different textures of food, both raw vegetables and fruit along with bird seed that we tend to purchase from good pet stores. We have a cuttlebone placed here and there however he is not terribly keen on them, together with calcium bells. Charlie is still solely young, regarding one year old, but we tend to are terribly aware that any bird will have a beak problem, thus we tend to keep a careful eye on him. Even when he’s on our shoulders on our garments protector, a bird bib we offer him things to chew on.

As I said before many pet bird homeowners ask themselves should they trim or file their bird’s beak, well yes, typically it’s necessary, but as perpetually prevention is healthier than cure. Attempt to present your bird, whether or not it’s a Quaker parrot, Budgerigar, Cockatiel, Parrot, Canary, Parakeet simply to name some, a selection of items as well as food that will help management their beak and keep them in a very healthy state. If you are the least bit worried regarding your bird’s beak do not hesitate to require it to a veterinarian, an avian veterinarian if possible. The vet is the simplest person to trim any bird’s beak and can show you how you’ll file it yourself if you ask them. If you wish to trim the beak yourself please sample it out with the vet initial as there’s a right means and a wrong way to try to to it. You do not will not to hurt your pet bird after all. Find more other helpful info about citronella dog collar, obedience training for dogs and dog obedience school

What is A Good Bird Care

Saturday, May 15th, 2010

Getting a pet bird and giving it the proper bird care is not simply a matter of picking a bird, buying it a cage and feeding it some seeds. Different breeds require quite different types of food, so acquiring a bird for a pet cannot be done casually. Not only does the potential owner have to be sure they are choosing the right pet bird for their family or circumstances, but they also need to ensure that they know what the bird needs to keep it healthy. Some birds eat seeds, while others might require nectar; learning details like this is part of responsible pet ownership.

Take a pet cockatiel, for example. This attractive, clever and gregarious bird is one of the breeds that can live on commercial seed mixes designed especially for their needs. Yet even so, it still needs vitamin supplements, and should also have its diet supplemented by green food like spinach, watercress, carrot tops, celery and even peas. An additional element of bird care would involve adding a cuttlebone to the side of the cage, in the same way that’s recommended for many birds, both for its calcium content and the way it helps the bird sharpen and keep its beak trim.

A cockatoo, on the other hand, is one of those birds known as an omnivore, meaning they eat almost any categories of food giving them; however, you can’t just give them table scraps. The best diet for these birds is to give them a large hookbill seed mix, supplemented with sprouted seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Acceptable fruits might be pears, apples, bananas and peaches, while vegetables might include broccoli, carrots and lettuce. In addition, their bird food might include occasional treats of cottage cheese and bits of hard boiled eggs.

Anyone who thinks bird care is a lot less involving and time consuming than taking care of a cat or dog may be right in some ways, but wrong in others. Good bird health necessitates an in-depth understanding of the right kind of food for your particular type of bird, and a dedication to be sure that the bird is getting all the nutrients it needs. Getting a pet bird is a commitment, and all the right steps must be taken to keep it healthy.

Jeremy Larson is a foremost expert in how to acid reflux medication. He has had extensive experience and conducted countless experiments in finding natural remedy to this ailment. He is also a highly acclaimed writer in the medical field.

Pet Insurance Review

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Pet insurance is there to help you using the things you’ll desire to be able to try to make certain your cherished four-legged friend is appropriately looked after, no matter what scrapes, injuries or illnesses he or she is unfortunate adequate to be able to encounter.

1 in the best decisions you may generate, the way do you pick a program of pt insurance? You need to understand that only a couple of firms, which include embrace pet insurance policy, truly include. For utmost protection select a pet health care insurance plan that covers these problems. You can choose the level of cover that you simply want; a maximum include policy may of course price more than a policy that doesn’t cover as significantly.

Another option is to be able to change your voluntary excess that will also lower your premiums. This of course means that in case you do try to make a claim you may be paying a certain amount of any costs yourself so the level you are willing to accept can be up in order to you.
Simply because pet insurance is the top way in order to budget for unexpected veterinary bills and also help to cover day-to-day expenses like vaccinations and even office visits as well.

Top Online Pet Insurance Companies
Several insurance companies are doing more and even more business online. This includes online pets insurance companies. As with any insurance company, you might have hundreds to pick via. Here is a evaluate of the top three online pet insurance companies on the Internet nowadays.

1. Embrace Pet Insurance
Embrace is just about the top spots to be able to insure your pet on the internet. What makes Embrace stand out through the other companies is they permit you to be able to fully customize your pet insurance policy policy. You could select through a handful of several policies and even programs to create your ideal policy for your personal pet. You can set the quantity of coverage, the deductible, and even co-pays.

2. Quick Care Pet Insurance
Speedy Caution is one of the most cost-effective on the web pet insurance coverage organizations. Speedy Caution insures both cats and dogs plus provides policies that start from $9.95 a month. If you are searching for pet health care insurance on a budget, Quick Treatment is the firm for you!

3. Pets Assure
Pet Assure is not your conventional company. Pet Assure is a pet savings plan. You may purchase a yearly membership and receive a discount membership card. You present this card in order to your veterinarian and you can receive discounted services. If you ever are seeking to be able to an alternative to pet insurance, Pet Assure is for you!

We have additional Guideline could you interested in reading pet insurance comparisons | Few Crucial Tips to Keep Your Lovebird Healthy For Years – Lovebird Care

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

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Observed as America’s favourite and preferred pet bird, the parakeet is now really commonplace in numerous states around the planet, with a treasure house of info available about them.

They’re very colourful birds, which could explain one reason why they’re so popular. Straightforward to care for, the parakeet is a particularly hardy bird, lively, frolicsome and they’re extraordinarily entertaining.

For the best leads to raising your bird you want to understand the fundamentals in Parakeets care needs. When you first bring a bird home and add him to your bird house or cage there’s a powerful chance that your parakeet will be scared. This is much the same as any animal you are introducing to a new space, and after a day or 2 your new pet should settle in quite nicely. Don’t try to handle him till he has settled.

You must have a cage that’s raised up off the floor in a well lit area and away from any drafts. Parakeets love activity so place the cage in an area around your house where there’s lots of family interaction. Talk to the bird with a relaxing calm voice as frequently as you can, and in the first few nights, place a cover over the cage early in the evening.

Cleanliness should include a bath or shower twice or 3 times every week. This is accomplished with either a dish the parakeet can step into and use its beak to throw the water over itself, or by spraying your pet with a light mist of warm water. By washing your pet you may excite natural grooming behaviour, and it also decreases dust and dander buildup.

Good parakeets care incorporates the trimming of their wings, if you’d like to deter them from flying.

Keep their nails trimmed too. If their beak becomes overgrown or misshapen, which can occur, you’ll need to trim their beak and this may be achieved by trying a mineral block, available from most pet stores. Other beak grooming kits and accessories are also available.

Adding fresh food and water every day is another crucial side of parakeets care. Remove empty shells from the seed dish before adding new seed, and do not be mistaken by a full looking food dish. This may basically be full of empty seed shells, so check first. Clean the food and water dishes every day before replacing with fresh food.

On a regular basis you must clean all food perches and any soiled toys and accessories in the cage. The floor should be washed out every fortnight or as needed if your pet is making plenty of mess.

Their are lots of perils coaxing round the corner you may not know. A number of them that you may want to put in your Lovebird’s care list are, blue-green algaes, chocolate, dog and cat spit, household cleaners and detergents and Teflon. When Teflon is heated and gets too hot it gives off smoke that are deadly to your Lovebirds.

It’s also best to get a good vet before any bad conditions arise. You can try for suggestions, because there are vets who see few cases of bird health issues, and don’t have much experience in diagnosing and treating them.

A parakeets care is largely down to you, the pet owner. Because birds wish to fly forward instead of up, try to get a cage that’s wider more than taller. The wider the cage is, the more relaxed space there’ll be for your pet to enjoy flying. Horizontal bars on the cage as the parakeets like to climb and the horizontal bars are loads more comfy to try this on.

Ensure that the cage is massive enough the birds head does not touch the top, its tail doesn’t touch the bottom or sides, and that there’s sufficient space for random activity to happen.

Last but in not least, ABSOLUTELY confirm there is not any LEAD in the cage. Lead is very deadly to birds, and can be lethal. These things are all vital when providing your parakeets care program, and there are masses of other stuff to think about too. Check out book stores, and web sites for more detailed clarifications of caring for your new pet

What Should You Expect Once You Start Owning Pet Birds?

Monday, May 10th, 2010

If you have been pondering about owning pet birds, you must think hard about the decision before you settle into anything final. There are many factors that you have to relate in your own situation to make sure that you will be able to give your pets the best kind of nurture and commitment that they truly deserve.

You may want to indulge first on some research to gather more information about what you want to get into before you choose the kinds of birds that you want to own. Each species vary in terms of talents, time requirements and other vital factors that you must be ready to face once you accept the role or being their master.

You can easily do your research at home. Engage some time browsing the Internet about the many aspects that you may want to know about the matter. You can choose to read websites that are dedicated to the topic. You can also read blog posts which are written by pet owners. And you can also join in online forums to engage in conversations that can help you know more about the matter. You can also check these forums when you already have the pets and you want to ask for help from your fellow pet owners.

To help you think about what you are about to get into, here are the vital factors that you must think about as you decide about this.

1. Budget considerations. The prices of birds depend on their kinds and where you will buy them. But your expenses don’t end once you have bought them. Actually, it is only starting because through time, you will have to engage your birds in various activities to stimulate them. To do this, You must procure and keep necessary toys and other things which will help them to become more active and happy. You must also include on your budget their food.

You must be able to sustain their nutritional requirement so that they will have the energy to last long as your companion. You should also anticipate that they may become sick that you have to take them on vets and buy the medicines that they need. In buying birds, you must choose the right store and the right breeder so that you won’t run the risk of acquiring birds that are unhealthy and sickly.

2. Time commitment. If you cannot afford to allot time to show care for your birds, you might as well not continue with the purchase. You can also ask the store for the breeds that do not necessarily have to be pampered if you cannot really attend to them that much. You can also choose the types based on their life spans. This way, you can opt for those that can last longer if you want something that can be with you for as long as you want.

3. Noise level. In choosing your birds, you must also mind your neighbors. Bigger parrots for example macaws and cockatoos generally tend to be more noisy. If you want the kinds that you can keep in setting like townhouses and condominiums, you may want to opt for lovebirds and budgies. Or to be more on the safe side, you may want to settle for the likes of doves, canaries and finches.

These are all essential in choosing the kinds of pet birds that will be ideal for your lifestyle and the quality of commitment that you can master to give in the process.

Organic Pet Food

Monday, April 19th, 2010

It is almost impossible to turn on the TV and not see some happy pet wiggling the tail or purring after a delicious meal. Trusting brands and increasing sales, this is the effect of such advertising, but one can simply wonder about how healthy this so praised food actually is! Pet food is certainly an issue in terms of quality, because it is made of dry blood, ground bones and a whole range of additives and chemicals that make it tasty but not healthy. A recent tendency is to use organic pet food as a replacement, and a much healthier variant, so that the animal may truly benefit from good nutrients.

You can order organic pet food on the Internet, or purchase it online. Veterinarians speak in favor of such products because they are balanced thanks to the absence of artificial compounds. Just like in the case of humans, animals become overweight or get ill with various diseases, the causes of poor health are rooted in the intoxication with food chemicals. Pets that are not fed on organic pet food grow old at a much quicker pace, they lack vitality and prove more exposed to viruses.

Vomiting, bloating and diarrhea represent the main manifestations of a digestive acute or chronic ailment that may be favored or triggered by regular pet food. If organic pet food is introduced in all the meals, the animal’s metabolism and health condition will register significant positive changes. Improvements have also been signaled with the immune functions of pets fed on organic food, because more nutrients equal a better capacity to fight against bacteria and viruses efficiently. It goes without saying that your pet will live happily and enjoy your company more if the body comfort level is higher.

Organic pet food is available for cats and dogs more than for other pet categories, but organic pet food can be found for fish, canaries, parrots and tortoises as well. Food prepared according to age demands is also available mainly for cats and dogs. Thus, for young animals, the amount of nutrients needs to be larger and in formulas that correspond to the body demands during the intense growth period. Fresh or dry food is both available, with the mention that the fresh one should be packed in sealed, sterilized packages that allow for longer preservation.

When the author isn’t feeding her two dogs with organic pet food, she’s a fan of psychic reviews, the Seattle HCG Diet and Weight Loss Center, and theCadillac XLR windscreen windblocker wind deflector.

Top Reasons Why You Must Opt for Pet Birds

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

If you happen to visit a pet store, it is very easy to get enamored with pet birds. Once you have fallen in love with them and choose to purchase the kinds that you like the most, you must first think about the decision before you pay for them and take the birds at your home.

Are you sure that they can fit on the kind of lifestyle that you are leading? Look at your space. The size of the birds that you will buy should fit perfectly well to your allotted area. You should also consider your neighbors. There are the kinds that create so much noise which may cause trouble with people living near your house. You may want to opt for the kinds that are quiet most of the time, especially if you are living in a condominium or apartments.

So why should you opt for birds as your pets? Here are some vital reasons that can help you regarding the matter. Take a look at this list that contains the top reasons why people choose birds as their pets than the other kinds of animals.

1. Birds are social creatures. The extremity depends on the species that you choose to acquire. They can be affectionate, a good reward for all your hard work and commitment. You can get the satisfaction that you will also gain from owning a pet dog or cat. Birds can be loving as long as you also show them that you care for them and that you love them. There are some owners of birds that choose to be inseparable with their pets. They bring them along wherever they go and where birds are allowed.

2.  They are intelligent. Birds are known to be smarts. They have the capacity to learn and they are also inquisitive with their surrounding and nature. When you make them your pets, they will learn a lot from you depending on how you treat them and how you interact with them. Your dogs or cats can never learn to say hi or good morning. But your birds surely can, especially if you have allotted enough time and effort to teach them how.

3. Training your birds can be fairly simple. Your birds are eager to learn from you. So if you will be able to teach them what you want them to know, they will easily get what you want them to do. You can start with simple tasks like whistling. Next step is to proceed in teaching them some of the words in order to increase their vocabulary. If you want, you can get a trainer for your pets. But it will be best if you can provide such training even if you don’t have much experience about the matter. This is your chance to bond with your pets and to develop nurturing emotions toward each other.

4. They are easy to handle. You don’t have to take your birds with you for a brisk walk in the morning and afternoon. You don’t have to bathe them and groom them all the time. If you have to leave your house, all you have to do is keep your birds on their cages and serve them with enough water and food that will suffice until you come back.

You must only make sure that you keep the cages of your pet birds clean all the time to keep them away from sickness and other injuries that they may incur in the process.

How Do You Know Your Pet Bird Is Sick?

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

There isn’t any denial of the fact that ill health can strike anyone. In fact birds too are not spared of the health worries in the present times. Many a times your pet bird can simply fall victim to some or the other kind of sickness.  However, you may you may not even realize about the same. If neglected for long, the poor health of your pet bird can take major shape and may cause irreparable damage to the health. So it is very important to comprehend the indicators that pet show about their sickness. Let’s look at some of the signs that you need to look out for to know if your bird is sick or not.

Firstly thing to lookout for in this context is the skin issues. It’s been noted that if the birds suffer from any sort of sickness they are bound to show changes in their skin tone. The difference in the skin tone the bird frequently has an inclination to undergo is swelling. If the issue is of high magnitude, circumstances like patchy skin and soreness can also occur. The color of the pet can also endure a change if the subject of any sort of illness.

The eyes, ears, nose and mouth are some of the most crucial body parts to look out for in case you think illness. You will just notice change in color around these body parts. Discharge from any of these body parts could also indicate sickness or illness. Swelling or redness of the eyes and the nose are some other crucial signals of sickness in pet birds.

If your pet is feeling weak or is showing symptoms of fatigue, there could be a risk that it is sick. Absence of activity by pet is something you should be concerned about. Like pet pussies and dogs, the pet birds also tend to become very less active when they have any sort of problem. In a similar way you should keep and eye on the social activities of your pet because passiveness could be caused by sickness.

It’s also important that you keep a close watch on the mannerism and personality of your bird. Relying on the species of bird you have as a pet, there may be subtle or extreme changes in the bird’s overall behavior. Look for any unusual aggressiveness in the pet, or if the bird just lies down in the cage. Any such symptoms might be caused by the fact that your pet bird is a victim of some sickness.

Changes in eating habits can also help you diagnose sickness in your pet bird. Your pet bird may not be eating in the same quantity. To ascertain any changes in the eating pattern, you can try by giving your pet bird his top meal. If your pet doesn’t eat in the common quantity or doesn’t touch the dish at all, possibilities are that your pet bird is ill.

It’s crucial for pet owners to grasp that birds can’t talk about their illness or cry about their sufferings. So, make sure that you are more careful with your pet bird and are able to spot an illness before the situation goes out of hand.

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