The Easy 3 Tricks To Teach Your Lovebird First
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012Ever wanted to teach your Lovebirds some cool tricks? What is great is that they can be quite trainable, particularly if you apply positive reinforcement when you teach them. Consequently, when and if your lovebird does one particular thing randomly that impresses you, award the behaviour with a treat!
When you offer a treat, start using a ‘set of words’ to offer a clue towards your bird for future reference. For example, when the bird was to bob its head up and down, say ‘bob your head’ so later on, you employ the same words and phrases with support that encourages the bird to do this.
It might be wise to get a second separate stand for your lovebird with different ladders and other areas within the cage which your bird can play around on and enjoy. From watching what your lovebird can perform in it’s new playground will help you recognize natural talents and ideas which tricks your lovebird may possibly quickly learn via some positive support.
Before I go further, these birds are sometimes hard to find but here’s where I source my Lovebirds from: Lovebirds For Sale Brisbane
So, let us discuss several common suggestions to start out with that you may show your lovebird. You should start slowly and you may also need to have a fair degree of patience to your bird to get used to these tricks and then carry out them on cue.
The very first trick is to try to coach your lovebird to spin on command! To help you start off the task, make use of the index finger or perhaps something similar to a pen to get their eye attention. Gradually shift your finger/pen and have the bird adhere to the exercise.
As you try this, associate a word like ‘spin around’ and offer them a treat when they finish the procedure. By practicing this process and ensuring you employ the same words more than once, you’ll see that you probably won’t require your finger/pen to get your lovebird to spin around, but you can just use the identical word and have your clever lovebird spin!
Your next trick is an easy yet a great one to have your lovebird master. This is the wave. To start off with, say ‘wave’ and help them to to maintain their foot up softly. After repeating this, treat them. Repeat this (allow adequate breaks inbetween so you don’t tax your lovebird) and over time you will definitely realize that just by saying ‘wave’, your lovebird till raise a leg automatically for you.
Just a reminder that if you are looking for a great free site with more content about Lovebirds and where to source some more for yourself, then check out: Lovebirds For Sale
Finally, this final trick is a little more involved and can need to have a much more perseverance however, if you spend enough time, your lovebird is going to be capable to finish this trick too. This is the flip. Start with the bird with your hand and tilt your hand bit by bit till you have your lovebird lying on its back.
While doing this method, ensure you supply the bird an abundance of peace of mind it is ok to lie in your hand. Stroking the crown of his head is sometimes the best way to comfort your pet. As soon as your bird is lying at ease inside your hand, lightly push the tail on the bird whilst saying something exclusive, similar to ‘flip’. Once the bird goes over, praise your lovebird for his smart trick.
In time with determination and practice, merely saying the word ‘flip’ whilst having him lie in your hand, will quickly cue your bird to turnover without any further help from you.
So there you have it. Always remember to admire your beautiful pet and don’t push it if he’s uncomfortable or too anxious. If you know that your lovebird currently has problems such as aggression, it’s always a good idea to sort that out first before trying to teach your bird new tricks. Good luck with these few interesting tricks and remember that there are plenty of others that can be tried out once you and your lovebird have successfully completed these ones.
I sincerely hope that you got loads of benefit out of this article and understand all the important aspects to Lovebirds. You also may be interested to check out: Lovebirds For Sale Adelaide