Archive for Farm/Ranch

Meat Goats For Profit Tips – Plan Everything First Before Diving Into Goat Rearing

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

A lot of people are not really aware that there is something that is called meat goats for profit because they are only aware of the fact that goat can only provide people with milk. However, if you are planning to actually perform raising meat goats for profit, you should be aware this early that you will have to plan everything first before diving into it. When it comes to preparing, you ought to already have some idea about how you plan on getting your goats to grow and feeding them in the longer term. It is also very important that you become aware that a lot of diseases can be caught by your goats and as well as the people taking care of them if the sanitation is not maintained. To be able to prepare properly and avoid experiencing all the possible problems that you might encounter in the process of meat goat farming, this article will give you some tips that you can keep in mind.

The first thing about meat goats for profit is that you should make sure to plan ahead when it comes to the place where you would like your goat to give birth; in relation to this, you should know that mother goats have 5 months to become pregnant right after they have been mated to another goat. Within this 4 months, you should already have a plan in mind with regard to the safety and cleanliness of the place where you want the goat to give birth. When it comes to the pregnancy of your goat, it is also vital that you review beforehand the food that you will feed your goat so that they will be able to give birth to the maximum number of offspring as possible.

In addition to this, it is also needed for you to de-worm your goats and give them the necessary vaccination while pregnant so that they do not become sick and ill in the middle of their pregnancy. Remember all the time that if the mother is healthy during the pregnancy, there is a higher chance that her babies will be healthy as well; you do not want to risk the overall health of the mother goat as this is where the health of the babies will depend on. And if you are planning to raise meat goats for profit, it is not a good idea for you to have a ill baby goats because it will affect the amount of money you will earn in the future.

Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are researching for more valuable guidance on meat goats for profit and intend to ward off from the usual painful mistakes done by novice or even experienced farmers too, go to:

Breeding Boer Goats – Easy Guide To Make The Process Of Raising Boer Goats More Enjoyable

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

If you are currently thinking of breeding boer goats, you only need to be aware that there are just some things that you should remember about it; first of all, you should make sure that you choose the correct type of buck or breeding male. In addition to this, you also should not really worry too much about spending a little high amount of money just to be able to get a good breed because it will eventually pay off in the future. Because it has already been proven that it is actually important for you to choose the correct type of breed when you have finally determined that you want to embark in breeding Boer goats, this article will give you some valuable tips that you can follow so that you do not become lost in the process.

To start things off, you need to be aware that the normal weight of the goat to be able to produce good quality meats ranges from 35 up to 80 pounds. In addition to this, you also need to know that a goat offspring that will come from a good breeding line has the potential to already reach 80 pounds within just 90 days; on the other hand, if you do not take breeding Boer goats that seriously and you just go for those that have mediocre quality, you can just end up with a goat weighing 35 pounds within that same span of time. If you are having problems with the fact that you will be forced to pay more money when you choose to buy goats from a good bloodline, just think of the fact that you will be able to gain this particular amount fairly easily because of the good quality of meats you will be able to gain from these goats.

After purchasing your own goat, it is important as well that you check the alignment of the jaw because if it has a poor quality, there is a higher chance that your goat will not be able to eat properly. This is something that you do not want to experience most especially if you are planning to commercialize the meats in your meat goat production. It is also needed that you check the legs and feet of your goats because this will allow them to move freely around your pasture more easily; you do not want to have a goat that will not be able to feed himself just because of a bad leg.

Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are searching for more tips on breeding boer goats and want to stay away from the common deadly mistakes that are made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to:

Goat Housing – What Makes A Good Goat Shelter?

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

If you are into the business of meat goat farming, it is definite that before you started out with your venture, you made plans on where you will place the herd. So what makes a good goat housing then?

Good goat housing should be able to accomplish one important thing: the herd’s protection! Best shelters for animals should be able to defend them from utmost temperatures, rain, and can provide them a safe spot to rest at night.

One good thing about goats is that these animals are adaptable to rough terrain and weather conditions. But then again, goats should still be provided with protection from these elements in order for their stress experience will be minimized, enabling them to be more productive and ensure that they grow healthier.

Good goat housing plans should also include keeping the moisture out, lest you risk the herd to contract respiratory diseases. Your best choice would be to use wood because this material does not accumulate water.

Ideal goat housing is an open building – it can keep the moisture out during winter months and can also ensure maximum airflow during the summer months. It will also do the animals good if there are trees in the surroundings since trees are also excellent insulators and they can maintain the herds cool during summer.

Having an open building also ensures ample air circulation which can prevent ammonia build up from animal urine and feces. It is also critical that beddings are supplied for the animals to work as floor insulators. You can use materials such as sawdust, wood shavings, and wood boards as beddings. There are actually different types of bedding materials that also have different capabilities in absorbing urine. Bedding materials are not costly and are readily obtainable.

You may also need to consider what other countries do, using slanted board floors and walls for good airflow and easier cleaning. It would also be a great idea if you supply the animals with stilted housing to guard the goats from soil parasites.

As for the roofing materials, you can also choose from a lot of materials – from hay to metal, whatever you deem it necessary. But it is great to point out, even though, that straw and hay roofing are excellent insulation that are good during hot months and cold months.

Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are looking for more tips on goat housing, raising meat goats and want to avoid the common painful mistakes made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to:

Raising Cattle And Selling Cattle Business – Introduction To This World

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Before you purchase even a grain of feed, you should consult with the local resources available, which include county extensions, veterinarians, other ranchers, neighbors and others who can give you a general overview of the work and investment in time and money involved as well as the business of selling and raising cattle.

Cattle are raised as livestock intended for meat (beef and veal), as dairy animals intended for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals (pulling carts, plows and the like). Other merchandise include dung for fuel or compost or leather goods. In many cultures, cattle possess spiritual, economic or political significance far ahead of the monetary worth of the animals themselves. As a response to these many uses and habitats of cattle, a broad array of breeds has been developed.

By 1900 the marketplace had shifted to act of kindness the use of specialized beef and dairy breeds. The Hereford and Angus came to dominate the beef industry, while the Ayrshire, Jersey, and Guernsey were the most numerous of the diary breeds.

Imports since 1900 have additional increased the diversity of cattle breeds in the United States. The generous number of beef cattle breeds – and the genetic diversity they represent – has been a cornerstone of achievement on behalf of the beef industry, allowing producers to respond to changing market demands. Yet the changeability has been preserved not intentionally for the reason that of the wide range of habitats in which beef cattle is reared, decentralized approaches to selection and the ease of access of markets. It is because of this informal conservation process that farmers and breeders have access to the diversity they required for latest production and market niches.

The pressure level of vertical integration and economic consolidation, significant in the poultry and swine industries, have cause much impact on cattle. Nonetheless, there is increasing consolidation among the companies that purchase milk and beef from farmers. This process is progressively having two harmful effects: The overall lowering of prices paid and the further discounting of animals which do not conform to a standard industrial type. The cattle farming industry, built upon a foundation of genetic diversity, cannot afford to let short term market pressures eliminate rare breeds and thus the diversity essential to its coming success.

Raising cattle could increase quality of living and give amazing gratification and accountability for families. Research for workaround and then decide. If you would like more tips on how to raise cattle, please visit:


Goat Fencing – Tips If You Are Just Starting To Raise Goats

Friday, February 11th, 2011

If you are just starting to raise goats, it is necessary that you make sure you have proper goat fencing. Any expert livestock raiser will agree that goats can make swift disappearing acts, making Harry Houdini bite the dust!

It is known in the real estate industry that the most fundamental aspect is the location. With regards to goat farming, fencing is the number one priority!

Goats are known to immediately survey the fence with the main purpose of looking for deficiencies or gaps. Soon enough when these animals have successfully established the gaps and/or deficiencies in the fence, you are surely in a lot of trouble.

It is important to take note that goats are able to go under or through any kind of fence. So when you are just starting your own goat farm, it is necessary that you survey the area on how you can go about goat fencing.

If you already established an area, you might want to consider enclosing the property with an electric fence wire that is closer to the ground as possible; you even want to run an electric fence wire on the boarders of the internal paddock.

We will provide you some quick tips to goat fencing.

If you are considering of establishing mesh your existing fences, it is vital to keep note that it is more costly than electric fencing. But you must also take into consideration where the goat farm is situated. If there are outside threats such as foxes and wild dogs, then the meshing is your most logical choice to protect your livestock.

Aside from protecting your goats from wild animals, it is also important that you maintain a good quality goat fencing facility since you’ll never know the risks of having the goats stray outside; there will be a tendency that they will be hit by vehicles if they wander to the roads.

You have to remember that goat fencing is essential to keeping goats. While it is genuine that it can be quite costly to spent in a dependable line of defense for the goat farm, the rewards is endless. When you are beginning to consider how much building a fence will put a dent into your wallet, consider your eventual loss of income the animals would stray away without the assurance of getting them back. Also, think about the hassle of wild animals posing a danger to wreak havoc on your farm.

Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are searching for more tips on goat fencing and want to stay away from the common deadly mistakes that are made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to:


Make Your Own Chicken Coop

Friday, February 11th, 2011

Do it yourself projects are always exciting as though you are embarking upon a new adventure. It does not matter what the project is it is your own. This is even true when you will need a chicken coop. Regardless of whether you already have one and will need a new one or you’re looking to have your pretty very first coop, it can be rather pricey to buy 1. This is when the Chicken DIY Guides can turn out to be your new ideal friend for your new project. This is the book that is going to show you how to save your self funds and accomplish what you thought you couldn’t at the same time.

If you are thinking that you could only construct a modest coop with this details than you are wrong. This manual is going to give you explicit directions on building a coop that is little, medium, big and even portable coops. The directions are going to take you by the hand and guide you each step of the way to building your pretty own. All of the supplies that you will want to build your project are all straightforward to get mostly at your local hardware store. The Chicken DIY Guides is your personal booklet to creating your quite own coop and building it in your own backyard. It is also going to show you how to construct your coop so that it will not be offensive to your neighbors that live around you.

You are going to discover all of the things that you should do before, during and after your project. You’ll find certain guidelines that you’ll require to follow and this special report is going to tell you everything that you need to know.

Of course there is a funds back guarantee so you do not need to worry about losing any cash. Once you obtain the book you’re going to find that the tiny investment you made inside the Chicken DIY Guides was well worth every single penny. As opposed to waiting around attempting to figure out what to do, now is the time to get started.

Where To Buy Goat Meat And What To Look Out For?

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Ever thought what could be the reason for goat meats to become more and more popular? What is in them that a lot of people are opting to buy them instead of chicken, pork, or other meat products? Goat meat consumption has actually been around for centuries. It is considered the traditional meat in many regions in the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and even across South East Asia. So do you know where to buy meat goats?

Knowing where to buy goat meat is quite important especially when goat meat production is not as popular yet in the United States compared to other parts of world, particularly Australia and New Zealand. These two countries are considered to be the largest producers of goat meat products around the world.

When buying meat from goat, it is important to know the different types of goat breeds since the quality of the meat depends on which type of goat you get. So before telling you where to buy goat meat of good quality, it is important that you are aware of the different types of meat goat breeds.

The Spanish variety is regarded develop good quality of meat. It is also known to contain less fat. Livestock breeders are now learning to cross the Spanish variety with Boer in the desire of producing bigger and a better meat quality. However, most cross-bred goats are considered to be more suitable in milk production and their meat is not as excellent compared to the pure breeds. Cross breeds cost less than pure breeds and they are easily available in the market.

Another type of goat is the Angora variety. Angora meat is also well known for its excellent quality; nevertheless it is not readily obtainable since this variety is not capable of adapting to cold weather.

The Boer variety is a little costly to raise that is the reason why the meat from Boer goat is more steep. The expensive price more than even out the good meat quality it produces.

It is also good to point out that meat from goat is sold as capretto or chevon. Capretto is in Italian language for kid goat, hence, capretto relates to the meat of a kid goat. This type of meat is lean and colored pink.

Chevon refers to goats that are bigger and heavier and are aged between 6 to 18 months. This type is more flavorful and is firm.

Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are searching for more tips on where to buy meat goats and want to stay away from the common deadly mistakes that are made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to:

Meat Goat Production – 3 Critical Factors To Consider Before You Venture Into Meat Goat Farming

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Meat goat production has been existent for quite a long time, but the profitability of the market in some parts of the United States is only starting to be discovered. Since the time when man found out that goats are a good source of food, milk, and clothing, meat goat production became a popular form of livelihood for a lot of people.

Goat farming is not a difficult industry and you will for sure discover a lot of people raising goats in most countries all over the world. Are you thinking of starting one for yourself? This article will try to give you a head start in meat goat farming. You will need to consider three basic things; these are location, goat breed, and your area’s proximity to veterinary help.

1) Location

Goats are known to thrive in groups, thus the space or area is a primary concern. Goats grow best when they are able to roam around freely that is why it is necessary that you choose a large open space where you will raise your goats. When you want to venture into meat goat production, you will need to scout for wide open spaces. It is also recommended that you look for a place that is away from the city. Pollution and other factors can affect the growth of the goats. It is also critical to find out with the local government on what requirements and permits you need to establish before you can even begin with your production.

2) Choosing the Goat Breed

The success of a meat goat production business depends on what goat breeds you will choose. First determine why you are starting a goat farm – what is your main purpose? Is it for milk production? Are you raising goats for their meat? Or it is because of their hair? You might even want to market them as pets. It is crucial that you pick a specific goat because there are many different types of goat breeds that are best suited for meat, milk production or even for their hair. That is the reason you need to do an all-encompassing study to find out the facts and compare the different attributes of the various goat breeds.

3) Proximity to Veterinary Help

There is also a need for you to get the expertise of a reliable veterinarian. In order to raise strong and healthy goats, you require to have a veterinarian and partnet to assist you. The success of your meat goat production venture will also be dependent on how healthy and strong your animals are.

Now that you are given several tips to provide you a smooth start, you can begin to map out plans for your meat goat production business.

Raising meat goats can be simple and easy if based on those who have done it. If you are looking for more tips on meat goat production and want to avoid the common painful mistakes made by novice and experienced farmers too, go to:

Goat Rearing – 4 Tips On How You Can Successfully Raise Goats

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

Goats are extremely hardy creatures. They can fundamentally prosper on just about any food source, and the known types we have today are particularly lively to most ailments and diseases that affect many farm animals everywhere. However, that does not mean that you leave goat rearing to goats. Taking care of these animals would need a bit more work to ensure that the horned and hoofed ones remain productive in your farm. Here are some easy but very effective goat rearing tips you might want to try.

1. Decide early on as to what kind of goats you would want to raise. There are goats that are valued for their milk, meat and fibers; and there are those that are being groomed as pets. By knowing beforehand what kind of animals you want to take care of, you can limit your choices to milk producers, meat producers, wool producers or docile animals as pets. This is also an excellent method of putting a cap to your expenses when it comes to purchasing goat rearing machineries and tools.

2. Decide exactly how many animals you would want in your farm; and this should be done in relation to the size of your land. A spacious land would not allow overcrowding from happening and that your goats have sufficient land to exercise and graze. One more thing to remember though: goats are herd creatures. They do not thrive well in solitary existence. If your farm is very small, try to get at least a pair of goats as a start for goat farming.

3. One way of ensuring that you have an easy time goat rearing is: to make sure that you choose and build the goats’ house or enclosure carefully. Try to select a piece of real estate where they can graze independently without concerning about the goats moving about unto meeting wild predators or the highway. It is not important that their enclosure and housing look very much fancy.

4. And lastly, goat rearing is not simply about feeding and letting the animals run wild for the rest of the day. The most generative farms are those that abide by a particular schedule. Aside from establishing a daily routine of feeding, watering, exercising and grazing the goats, there should also be a monthly (or bi-monthly, semi-annually or annually) schedule to follow too. This ought to include dehorning, hoof trimming, hair trimming, veterinary checkups and cleaning or grooming.

Goat rearing does not need to be difficult if you know how. If you would like to learn more tips about raising goats and avoid the costly mistakes, please visit:

Breeding Beef Cattle – 6 Essential Tips On How To Effectively Breed Beef Cattle

Sunday, January 16th, 2011

There are many things to consider when raising cattle, particularly beef cattle, and one of these is actually breeding beef cattle. Many cattle farmers spend a certain amount of their time trying to breed their cattle not only to be able to increase the herd but to also produce high quality, healthy, and close-to-perfect calves. Breeding beef cattle ought to be a critical addition to one’s agenda when involved in cattle farming because they are aware that consumers and other cattle breeders only keep the best in their herd. Unfortunately, some farmers tend to forget the most basic tips and techniques to breeding high quality cattle and have failed to renew the expenses made for ill-fitted cows and calves with health problems at birth.

To be able to avoid this, here are some helpful tips on how to effectively breed beef cattle:

•    Breeding beef cattle means knowing how to balance between genetics and herd management. With this in mind, remember to be selective with one’s own herd by learning how to distinguish the good animals from those with health and bone structure problems. Keeping the best and raising the best is the key to successful breeding because it not only produces cows with the best meat but also reduces the time, effort, and money spent on work at breeding time.

•    Bulls and heifers should be examined once in a while, especially when the cows are starting to show pregnancy signs and are ready to conceive. Try certain techniques to increase your chances of producing well-rounded cattle. For example, make sure to choose heifers with large pelvises and a bull whose mother also had a large pelvis.

•    There are two ways to go for when cattle farming depending on what your preferences are. You got 2 options, either keep a good bull to breed with your cows or artificially inseminate the cows.

•    If you’ve chosen the second method, have your bull/s examined for STDs, health problems, and once in a while for general physical check-ups, sperm count, and scrotum circumference to be sure that your cows will easily conceive.

• Selecting the bulls for breeding likewise means selecting those that have been know to develop all-around calves. You can go around, ask other cattle farmers, and see if they have good bulls up for sale that you can keep in your herd.

•    Never forget to maintain cleanliness in the cattle’s environment and to keep your cattle always in good condition.

Breeding beef cattle could increase the standard of living and give you great gratification and accountability for all family members. Research for workaround and then decide. If you would like more tips on how to raise cattle, please visit the site: