Archive for Fish

Correct Aquarium Lighting

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Aquarium lighting not only enhances the appearance of your aquarium, it also boosts the health of your fish, plants, and invertebrates. When designing a lighting system for your aquarium, you should try to duplicate – as closely as possible – the conditions in which your aquarium pets would live naturally. Thankfully, technological advancements in aquarium lighting over the past decade have significantly simplified the task of simulating natural conditions. This two-part article will explain the characteristics of light and discuss the duplication of natural light in fish-only, freshwater planted, and saltwater reef aquariums.

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Several factors including water depth, water clarity, weather, and air clarity affect the colour and intensity of light in natural aquatic environments. These factors, combined with varied overall water conditions between individual aquatic habitats, cause light spectrum and intensity to differ from one aquatic environment to another.

Understanding how aquarium lighting duplicates natural underwater lighting conditions requires one to understand of how these conditions are measured and analysed.

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Light Spectrum – Measured with the Kelvin Scale
The spectrum or “temperature” of light is measured in degrees Kelvin (K). The Kelvin scale describes the colour of a light source when compared to a theoretical “blackbody.” Think of a piece of steel that changes colour as it is heated. The Kelvin scale does not measure the light the steel gives off as it is heated; instead, it measures the colour of the light being given off. Colour temperature does not represent the temperature of the light source. It merely defines the colour given off in comparison to a blackbody radiating at the same temperature.

At 0 degrees Kelvin (equivalent to -273° Celsius), the theoretical blackbody emits no light. As the blackbody warms, it starts to emit red light. As the blackbody continues to increase in temperature, light wavelengths become more yellow, then turn green, blue, and lastly violet. A candle flame on the Kelvin scale has a rating of 1800° K. Sunlight at noon, with a Kelvin rating of 5500° K, is typically referred to as full spectrum because it contains a blend of all colours throughout the spectrum. Reddish light has a lower K rating and colour temperature, while bluer light has a higher K rating and a higher colour temperature.

As light passes through the first 15 feet of water, all the red and orange wavelengths are absorbed by the water, increasing the light’s K rating, and giving the light a bluer appearance. As the light penetrates to 30 feet, the water absorbs the yellow spectrum. And as the light reaches 50 feet, the water naturally filters the green wavelengths, leaving just the blue and violet wavelengths. This results in light with the highest Kelvin rating.

Aquarium Lighting Equipment

Coral Reef Care Tanks Aquarium

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

When shopping for fish, it might be tempting to pick the rare and fancy fish full of colors, and exotic looking shrimp or crustaceans. An aquarium full of marine life complete with a coral reef and aquatic plants is very appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want to have an underwater paradise in their living room?  It may, not however, be the best choice for a beginning hobbyist.  Coral reef aquariums require much more care than fresh water tanks or saltwater fish only tanks.  Freshwater fish are usually hardier than marine species and therefore a little more forgiving when it comes to water acclimation. It is recommended that only experienced fish keepers with a real commitment to the hobby attempt a coral reef aquarium.   A tank containing coral reef life may require several months of cycling before getting the water just right. The water in a coral reef tank must be regulated for lighting, temperature and ph.  Start with tap water and then add a sea salt mix to the water.  This type of solution is available at most pet stores.


Salinity of the tank should be between 1.023 and 1.004.  Ideal temperature for a marine aquarium is between 75 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is also important to test the P.H. of the tank.  Ideal P.H. is somewhere between 8.3 and 8.4.  Test kits can be purchased online or at your local pet store.  They same store will also carry any solutions necessary to adjust the P. H. There is not much wiggle room when it comes to these specific staring points.  In order to avoid a costly mistake it is important to be patient, watch the tank closely, and make sure that you don’t introduce any marine life until the tank is absolutely ready.


Once the aquarium is ready, start with anemones and clown fish. They are the hardiest of reef species, and who wouldn’t love to have Nemo swimming around in their living room?  Monitor the marine life closely.  Check the activity levels of the fish, and watch for stress.  Stress is the most common cause of sickness in fish.  Remember that these creatures may have come directly from the ocean, and it may take a while for them to get acclimated to their new home.  Another cause of stress in fish is overcrowding.  Make sure there allow about ten gallons of water per one inch of fish.  Account for the full grown size of the fish, not the size of fish when it is purchased.


The incubation period for most sickness in fish is about thirty days.  So after about a month, if all is well with the tank and the fish seem to be adjusting well, then it is okay to introduce some new marine life. A mandarin fish or a dwarf angel fish might round out the collection nicely, and they are fairly compatible clown fish.  Whenever adding new fish, choose the species carefully for compatibility.  The fish should be compatible with water specifics, but also make sure that their food source is compatible.  Always remember to be patient when adding new fish.  Give the existing tank members plenty of time to get adjusted before making additions to an aquarium. The best piece of advice is to do research.  Make sure that all new purchases will be suitable tank mates for the existing creatures.  With a little luck, and a lot of skill you will be on your way to having a reef aquarium that will impress any fishkeeper.

Trudi Bolka likes to write for which sells dickies scrubs, discount dickies scrubs and lab coats as well as a host of additional products.

Custom Aquariums Are Perfect For Home Or Office

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Fish and marine life produce such a wonderful look of simplicity anywhere they are viewed. Custom aquariums are beautiful attractions no matter if they’re used in a home or office and are known to calm most people. They will often lessen anxiety due to the relaxed atmosphere created by the tropical fish and aquatic plant life you may have in the tank.

Think of it – these beings do not have bad thoughts, absolutely no sense of harm or danger, nothing to say, nowhere to go and absolutely nothing to do besides swim about and take pleasure in life. There’s nothing complex or complicated about it and they also appear to enjoy the life that they’re living. Does not that sound nice and peaceful?

Well the great news is the fact that you can easily keep a part of the sea with you. These kinds of custom aquariums are inexpensive and they also might be purchased almost anywhere. You can actually locate them to begin with at pet shops or pet supply stores. You can in addition find them at super centers such as Walmart, K Mart, or Target. Malls and the internet additionally sell them, especially when you would like them to be larger than the average size fish tank that you would commonly locate for sale.

The lowest priced you might be able to locate would most likely be through a garage sale or even a special deal through family or friends. Probably the most expensive part is generally the tank itself. The particular decorations as well as the actual fish themselves don’t have a tendency to cost a great deal. It really will depend on exactly where you buy them.

When you are bringing one of these to your home when you are not having it sent, it will likely be important to make lots of space in the automobile trunk in the event you decide to purchase a big tank. If you purchase a truly significant model, you may require some help from another person with a pickup truck or some vehicle of that particular kind that’s designed for carrying good sized or heavy cargo. An effective stable frame is in addition vital for setup in the event you don’t have a location already set up to put your new aquarium. In addition bear in mind that it can be a great strategy to place it up high to ensure that kids and smaller pets will not have the ability to inflict unintended injury to themselves or any harm to the tank.

It may take more than one individual to set up the aquarium determined by how elaborate you plan on being with it. Custom aquariums usually don’t require a lot of elaboration, even so the sky is the limit. They make a really beautiful addition to anyplace they’re set up and are also certain to bring you and your guests a strong sense of peace and relaxation just watching it.

Are you looking for custom aquarium tanks? Captive Seas Aquariums specializes in the design, installation, and service of custom freshwater aquariums and saltwater aquariums to suit your needs.

What You Should Know About Custom Made Aquariums

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

There are many companies that make custom made aquariums. One will be able to find these businesses by using the local Yellow Pages, however it is frequently considerably easier to uncover these types of companies simply by undertaking an internet search. Despite the fact that there are plenty of ready to use aquariums for sale at pet stores, supermarkets and on the web, quite a few individuals want to get a custom made aquarium designed based on their specifications.

These usually cost significantly more than it would to purchase an already built fish tank, so it is usually a great idea to complete some research to see if there’s not a suitable aquarium already made that can be bought immediately. Checking out online retailers is a good suggestion, as lots of these web sites carry products which are not available at normal stores.

An individual who has not located the best aquarium at an internet merchant, pet store or supermarket can easily purchase a custom made one online without having to bother leaving the home. The completed product will be sent to the purchaser’s house in a specified time period. The following are some issues to consider when ordering a custom made aquarium.

Considering that most custom made aquariums cannot be returned, it’s extremely important that the measurements be appropriate. Measure the table or countertop on which the aquarium is going to be positioned and make certain that the height, width and breadth of the particular aquarium ordered is ideal for the house. You must in addition consider how many fish will reside in the tank and whether or not they’ll stay the exact same size or keep growing. It can be quite essential for fish to enjoy lots of space to swim around; actually, fish with much more space have a tendency to stay healthier than those living in a confined aquarium.

Take into consideration at the same time what type of fish are to live in the tank. This information will need to be given to the aquarium manufacturer, to be able to be sure the tank is suitable for the variety of fish that are to reside in it. Quite a few people who order a custom made tank are seeking a beautiful centerpiece for the home or office.

While aesthetics are certainly vital when purchasing an aquarium, specifically if one is going to the effort and expense of getting it custom made, you will need to  also put a very high priority on the well being of the fish that are to live in the fish tank. Be certain there is adequate room and also that the tank will meet the fishes’ requirements. Since custom aquarium designers are very flexible, it should not be overly challenging to get one made that is ideal for the fish and also a wonderful attraction in the house or workplace.

Are you looking for custom aquarium tanks? Captive Seas Aquariums specializes in the design, installation, and service of custom freshwater aquariums and saltwater aquariums to suit your needs.

Aquarium Supplies-Aquarium Classified Adverts- A Good Deal For Animal Lovers

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

People who love animals could bring hoe  any , just to make him a pet.  At times a pet dog or a cat seems to be difficult to handle and needs lot of care plus your house demands hygienic surroundings whether you have kids around or not Pet animals needs to be fed timely, have them walk outdoors, visiting a vet regularly; giving them some basic training requires lot of efforts and time Having pet is a demanding job compared to have fishes   

            Aquarium with multicolored fish will make your surroundings very colorful and pleasant. Having two pet dogs or cats can be difficult but you can accommodate more than two fishes at least in your aquarium   Pet lovers are opting for fish aquarium rather than choosing some other pet which is arduous in managing Fish may not top their list of pets but fish is much, easier to keep as a pet. 

              Before bringing them home, we must first understand their upkeep and care, that they require. This thought may be just at the beginning  though . Do not worry you will eventually learn, while selecting a fish aquarium you start your task by looking out for its supplies You must look for the best  supplier who can give you important information of how to keep fish as pets  There is practically everything about fish , and their supplies , available on the net. 

            Detailed information about fish supplies too can be downloaded from the net. The detailed information about competitive sourcing and prices of various supplies, how they have to be used, how the fish have to be fed and the frequency, and about overall maintenance off the fish.   You will find countless on line stores that deal with pets  goodies Buying online can makes good difference rather than physically visiting the place These many options make your life simpler , as sitting home you can compare the features and their prices   

           Almost everything to do with fish and fish goodies  can be found on net  There are many on line advertisements that talk about selling used fish tanks etc These websites offers to put classified adverts for both the parties buyers and sellers, the person who needs to sell his/her livestock can post it on and get a good response natures most beautiful little lives can be yours along with their supplies ; just log in and make your choice.

Author is an expert writer on aquarium supplies and aquarium classifieds.

Charter Fishing

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Sometimes the hardest thing about going on vacation is the overdose of downtime. You want to find enough things to do to keep you busy, but not too much to where you feel overloaded. Chartering a fishing boat has its advantages, but on the island of Hawaii, it is a day trip that you do not want to miss. There are certain basics when chartering a boat, but since Hawaii is not just a hop, skip and jump away, you want to make your plans ahead of time while having all of your questions answered.


First of all, you will need a boat. Hawaii has hundreds of charter boats throughout the islands, so availability will not be an issue. The companies that charter boats have certain criteria that they have to follow in order to run their business. The boat must be inspected for proper gear, maintenance, and repair history. They are also inspected for their experience level. No one wants to pay for a charter and catch a fish that the crew cannot handle.


The charter trips are typically broken up into various price categories. Prices will vary depending on where you are staying and where you want to fish. For instance, Kona has the lowest prices but the most competition for marlin fishing while Lahaina is the most expensive.


If you are concerned about the fish, do not worry. Most of the charters will succumb to whatever you want to do with your catches. If you want to take them home or if you want to cook them for dinner, it should not matter as long as you make your requests up front. Hawaii does have a deep-rooted tradition of selling Billfish and this concept offends many anglers. Today, many charters are willing to throw the Billfish back (at the customer’s request), but don’t be surprised if this is not the case.


You should also know that when you charter a boat, you are not chartering fish. A charter is to allow you to have an experience out on the water enjoying the scenery and trying to catch a fish. Fishing is a sport where there are no guarantees and there is no way of predicting where fish will be and when. If you charter a boat with the expectation of a refund for a bad catch day, you will be disappointed. There is no charter trip that will refund your money for a lack of fish on a given day.


Some of the things that you will need when you charter a boat for the day are not what you may expect. Most boats will provide you with tackle and equipment, but that is it. You are expected to bring your own snacks and drinks. You should also invest in some Bullfrog sunscreen, which is waterproof and commonly used on boats. Another good tool essential to fishing are sunglasses. Your sunglasses should be polarized so that you can see the fish clearer than other glasses. Lastly, bring an extra towel and t-shirt because you will probably get wet.


Make sure to leave your bananas behind. Hawaii, as well as many other fishing places, has a strict policy against bananas being onboard. They are thought to bring bad luck, so do not try to test this theory or your day may be extremely unpleasant.


Hawaii can be a little more difficult to plan a fishing trip on the spur of the moment because the locals usually have conflicting opinions. Try to do some research on the islands that you want to fish and then book a charter through a major company that has a trusted record.

Gwyneth Cheetham writes for {|} who offers cherokee scrubs, urbane scrubs and lab coat as well as a host of other items.

Kinds Of Saltwater Aquariums

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2011

Saltwater aquariums should generally contain fewer fish than fresh water tanks, because the species tend to grow bigger in size.  Marine species may be bred in a captive environment, or caught in the wild.  Captive bred species are easier to care for and usually hardier than caught species.  It generates a great amount of stress for a fish to be captured in the wild and then introduced into an aquarium environment.  It is often difficult for them to figure out how to eat.  Whenever possible, purchase your fish from a retailer that deals only with breeders or from the breeders themselves.There are five different types of saltwater aquariums.


The first type of saltwater aquarium is the fish only aquarium.  This is probably the easiest to care for of the five types, simply because you are only dealing with one type of species.  Amongst the saltwater fish there are both tropical and coldwater types.  They can’t be kept together for obvious reasons.  The water temperatures vary greatly.  Tropical fish are usually brighter in color, and therefore more appealing to aquarium lovers than the fish available in the cold water variety.  Most people are somewhat familiar with a few tropical fish such as the Clownfish or the Angel fish.  However, few people have heard of such cold water varieties as, the Shanny or the Tompot Blenny.


The second type of saltwater aquarium is the invertebrate only aquarium. These types of aquariums usually consist of shrimp, prawn, hermit crabs and perhaps even starfish or sea cucumbers.  The third type is the fish and invertebrate saltwater aquarium. These are more difficult to maintain than either of the two categories separately.  Certain invertebrates feed on certain fish, and the reverse is also true.  Therefore, it is important to research the species carefully to ensure that you do not put predator and prey together in the same aquarium.  Diseases can also spread more rapidly and are more difficult to prevent and cure in aquariums containing both invertebrates and fish species.


The next type of saltwater aquarium is the coral reef aquarium.  Reef aquariums can be tricky to maintain and must be thoroughly researched before attempted. The last category of saltwater aquariums is the specialty aquarium.  An example of a specialty aquarium would be an aquarium full of sea horses.  Sea horses should not be kept with any other type of fish or marine life, because they are timid and slow eaters.  Their food source could easily be taken away by other tank mates.  Seahorses prefer to swim vertically rather than horizontally, and should be placed in a tall tank.   An octopus and a shark or a ray are other examples of fish that require special needs and would fall into the category of specialty aquarium.


Regardless of which type of saltwater aquarium is chosen, research is highly recommended before purchasing any marine life.  Make sure you are willing to make the commitment required to care for a saltwater aquarium.

Morgan Belew likes to write for {|} which sells dickies scrubs, mens dickies scrubs and lab coats as well as a host of additional products.

A Beginners Guide To A Clean And Healthy Aquarium

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

A clean fish tank is the best habitat for all kinds of fish or other living organisms like crabs for example. A clean aquarium means your fish and plants will live for a longer time saving you time and allowing you to enjoy watching them grow. Watch fish on your computer or pc also with these moving screensavers! Simply put though, the simplest way to keep an aquarium tank clean is usually to have all the proper equipment and use it often to wash with. Additionally it is a matter of know how. There are many things that every fish tank owner must know to completely clean an aquarium and maintain it in the best possible way.

Individuals who do not know much about aquariums might use harsh household cleaners to wash their aquariums. This would be detrimental for the small ecosystem you should be striving to develop. Good strategies for keeping your aquarium clean would be to keep the water supply clean by washing the water pump. To do so one should keep the filtering in mind. A great clean filter is what the life span of your aquariums ecosystem is dependent upon. Cleaning the filter too often might also have a negative effect on your aquariums life. It is therefore important to keep things in balance, and to clean your aquariums filter only when needed or specified from the filters manufacturer. Many aquarium tank experts advise that the ornaments along with the glass needs to be cleaned at least once every fourteen days. Cleaning the fish tank ornaments and glass prevents algae from developing inside. If the aquarium is manufactured out of plastic materials then cleaning needs to be performed on smaller time intervals, perhaps once a week. When performing maintenance operations on your aquarium, you should always keep in mind a few things to make sure that things are going smoothly inside your fish tank. Check the air pump and find out if it’s running ok. It is imperative that there’s enough oxygen for your fish but also to allow for proper flow of the water.

Yet another thing which will ensure long life for your aquarium tank is making sure the water is changed often. By doing this your fish and plants will live longer and your aquarium tank will certainly look better. One more thing that you should do to maintain a clean aquarium is to wash, or at best rinse the gravel that sits on the bottom of your fish tank. This method entails that you remove all contents of the aquarium tank including the fish. Therefore, its viability depends highly on how many in addition to what type of fish you might have. Keeping a clean aquarium tank will not only entail cleaning it every week or two weeks. You should also consider acquiring a water purifier. There are numerous different kinds of purifiers on the market for different kinds of aquariums as well as sizes. When you use a water purifier to clean the water contents of the tank for your fish you should always let it sit and mix with the water to let it dissolve. If you are a new comer to aquariums, remember to read the instructions of each and every product used. Be mindful; keep a schedule for maintenance operations and treat your aquarium with love and it will eventually blossom.

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Basic Information On A Number Of Beautiful Saltwater Fish

Monday, December 6th, 2010

Saltwater aquarium fish are amongst the most incredible of animals to be found anywhere in the world. A variety of saltwater aquarium fish can be housed in your marine tank provided you know what they need when it comes to care, such as feeding, environment, competitors and space to develop.You can also observe and enjoy a number of fish sitting at your computer or pc with one of these 3d moving screensavers! If you love to think about fish then these moving screensavers will bring you joy every time you see them in your monitor!

Any marine enthusiast will tell you that setting up a marine tank is tricky and so is deciding on the best saltwater aquarium fish! The reason being it is easy to make mistakes with the sorts of fish you choose. It’s usually best to start your marine tank with some hardy and affordable fish. The majority of saltwater aquarium fish are collected from nature instead of captive raised so don’t waste that gift by making mistakes that result in the death of the fish.

Damsels are a great saltwater aquarium fish to start off with. Damsels are hardy little creatures and may survive in poorer water conditions than a number of other marine species. They are not fussy about their food and won’t set you back a fortune. Unfortunately, damsels are also quite aggressive. You’ll be able to easily keep a couple of of these tough saltwater aquarium fish in a tank but don’t try any in addition to that.

Its best to start with damsels and then add more aggressive fish later. If you would like house saltwater aquarium fish that are more shy, you have to take your damsels out before adding more timid types of saltwater aquarium fish. Blue and yellow damsels are two species that are less aggressive than others.

Mollies are an alternative starter saltwater aquarium fish. Mollies that are used to salt water allow you to begin with cheaper fish as you learn to make sure the salinity of your tank is correct for more sensitive creatures. However mollies are raised and bred in captivity so you won’t get much real experience in keeping them. Get them accustomed to the tank by allowing saltwater to drip into the bag for around 6-8 hours. Once the bag becomes full remove some water. Following your tank cycles you may maintain the fish in the tank.

Clownfish are cousins to damsel fish and are a fairly hardy saltwater aquarium fish. They aren’t so easy to acclimate into a marine tank, though. Also, they are quite territorial but aren’t likely to be aggressive to other species. They don’t need an anemone to survive. If you do get one bear in mind that they need water that is very clean and top quality lighting.

Blennies or gobies are fairly hardy and small and shouldn’t be a problem for the other saltwater aquarium fish in the tank. They’re character fish but they are small and so might get lost in very big tanks with bigger saltwater aquarium fish. They make the perfect choice to assist control algae but if you have a fish only tank they may not be simple to keep fed.

Tangs really are a hardy saltwater aquarium fish which are a little sensitive and tend to contract marine ich (also termed as “White Spot”). They eat algae so as soon as you grow some you might try introducing some tangs.

Triggerfish or lionfish are a perfect saltwater aquarium fish for a tank which will eventually contain large aggressive fish. However they are often costly if someone makes mistakes. It might be smart to ‘practice’ on fish that are both cheaper and easier. You will have to feed them lots of shell fish along with other sea creatures to keep them healthy.

Angels and butterflies are very sensitive and difficult saltwater aquarium fish to keep. They need special diets more often than not so they aren’t so easy to care for inside a tank. The same thing goes for batfish.

When you gain more experience in keeping conditions inside your tank stable you can include additional types of fish. Choose from hawkfishes, grammas, dottybacks, basslets and wrasses. But make certain to discover more regarding how to manage them properly because some aren’t as simple as others. Nonetheless they really are a much easier bet than angels and butterflies.

So which saltwater aquarium fish should beginners avoid? You shouldn’t attempt angelfish, butterfly fish, pipefish, seahorses, long-nosed filefish, blue ribbon eels, stonefish, and Moorish Idols as well as mandarin fish until you define what you really are doing.

What about invertebrates? Contrary to popular belief invertebrates are well suited for mini or micro-reef tanks. Many invertebrates do well in non-reef tanks. For the novice aquarist the hardy species would be best. For instance , shrimps such as the cleaner shrimp, blood shrimp or peppermint shrimp and coral banded shrimp. As is the situation with saltwater aquarium fish, keep to the hardier shrimps to start with.

Anemone crabs are another option you might try with your saltwater aquarium fish. And why not add some sea urchins and starfish which are very well suited to beginners with a few month’s experience? They differ in size, shape and color and some are poisonous so be careful! Sea urchins and starfish eat detritus and algae along with other small bits of food so they really will assist you to keep the tank clean and your saltwater aquarium fish healthy.

Anemones are not really suited for beginners. They require special lighting and top-notch water conditions so if you can’t foot the balance for your lights avoid or you’ll live to regret it. Invertebrates you should avoid include tridacna clams, flame scallops, Octopi, Nudibranchs, or any hard or soft coral and sea squirts. Much like the saltwater aquarium fish listed previously these invertebrates have special feeding and living requirements.

If you select saltwater aquarium fish, you’ll need to note that they are a bit more expensive then the freshwater varieties. Because of this you ought to make the extra effort with them and attempt to keep them alive. When fish are captured and moved from the store to your home they’re liable to get stressed, especially since many of them have been taken from the ocean mere days ago. So be sure you can properly take care of your brand-new friends prior to bringing them home!

Also remember that you can view numerous beautiful fresh and saltwater fish varieties right from your computer screen with moving screensavers for free. They’re 100% FREE, look great, and offer a perfect solution for an instant tropical getaway at any time during the day!

Aquarium Maintenance For Freshwater Fish

Friday, November 19th, 2010

Freshwater fish are probably the easiest fish to care for in comparison to saltwater species because they are usually hardier fish.  A basic aquarium set up will be required. You’ll need a tank, some rocks or substrate to line the bottom of the water tank. Additionally, you will have to have a filter, plus some lighting. When choosing fish, it is imperative to make sure the fish are compatible. Not only do they need to be compatible for water temperature and P.H., but they should also have very similar food requirements. Attempt to keep the fish relatively the same size. Common sense says that if a fish is tiny enough to fit in another fishes mouth, that is generally where it eventually ends up. So you shouldn’t be discouraged if this happens. Even fish that have been housed together for many months have been known to disappear altogether on occasion. In addition, there are alot of cool free programs where you can watch a multitude of beautiful freshwater fish varieties sitting at your computer screen via 3d moving screensavers. Check them out!

Freshwater fish should be fed two times a day. Feed just a small amount that may be consumed within the first 2 to 5 minutes. Over feeding is a common mistake among novice fish keepers. Any excess food ought to be lifted using a net if at all possible, as it will become debris and quickly dirty the tank. Water ought to be kept regulated and tested weekly. Any discrepancies in P.H. and temperature of water should be corrected immediately in order to minimize stress caused to the fish.  Stress is significant since it causes illness in fish. You should monitor the activity as well as the overall wellness of the fish in an aquarium tank. Signs of stress are going to be pretty apparent. Sluggish moving or lethargic looking fish will need a stress coat that may be purchased in a local pet store. Try to avoid overcrowding the aquarium. This should help to reduce the amount of stress caused to the fish. Moving screensavers can be quite a nice alternative to maintaining the upkeep of fish while still enabling you to sit back and watch the beauty and wonder of fish life right from your computer. Download yours today!

Change about a third of the water in the aquarium tank at a time, because this type of change will cause the lowest level of disturbance to the fish and other inhabitants. This will need to be done every 2 to 3 weeks. Use either a bucket or a siphon to get rid of the water in the tank. Try to get rid of any loose or floating debris at this time. When adding the new water into the fish tank, be sure that it is within approximately two degrees of the fish tank water. The sides of the fish tank should be scrubbed often to remove an algae build-up. Once again be careful not to disrupt the fish. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling the fish tank. Lastly, check the manufacturer’s recommendation on filters and change them accordingly. Filters collect any fish waste or left over food. They can’t function properly unless they’re clean.

Introduce hardy fish to a new tank. These fish can withstand higher nitrite levels which are specific to a new fish tank. Choose fish such as danios, barbs, gouramis, and live bearers. Don’t add in excess of 3 to 4 small fish a week. Acclimation times vary per species, so check with your retailer before adding any other new fish.

Also don’t forget that you can watch numerous gorgeous fresh and saltwater fish varieties right from your computer screen with moving screensavers for free. These are 100% Free, look wonderful, and provide an ideal solution for an instant tropical getaway at any time of the day!