Archive for Reptiles/Amphibians

Choosing The Right Kind Of Pole For Your Youngsters

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

Fishing is maybe one of the most practical subjects somebody can find out about. If you learn how to fish, then that implies you discover the best way to provide for yourself for the rest of your life. Yes, you can just go to the grocery store and get food, but fishing is something that everybody should find out about, and this draft can do just that for you.

Wade through water slowly. Whenever wading in a river, be sure to walk conscientiously and safely. Excessive noise will scare off any close by fish. Try hard not to bug anything on the river bed, and take your time.

A good fishing tip is to use a line weight that is as light as possible , but will still allow you to safely reel in your fish. If the line is apparent and heavy, that implies that it's a thick line. You want the right weighted line for the kind of fish you are trying to catch.


Never throw fishing line into the water. Fishing line is not visible to the naked eye, and so it is easy for fish, turtles,reef one biorb, and other sea animals to get tangled in it. This can often lead to injury, up to and including death. When you change out your line, always take care to put it in a place where it will not get blown overboard by even the strongest of winds.


When referring to freshwater trout fishing, it's sensible to use little fishing flies. The fishing flies mimic a little insect landing on the waters surface. Many people that fish prefer brightly colored flies to darker coloured ones. The flies should be extremely tiny due to the scale of the mouths of most trout.


Learn how to tie some basic knots. From online help texts to books at the library, there are a spread of resources you can use to teach yourself this essential ability. Use fishing line when you practice to ensure that you can duplicate the results on the water or coast.


When you are fishing from a boat, never make efforts to catch something bigger than your craft can handle. If you try and catch a shark in a little ship, you risk losing the fish, damaging the ship, or even endangering your own health. Make sure you are always utilizing the appropriate size!

As you now understand, fishing is not a hard subject to learn. Anyone can get good at fishing in a short period of time. It’s great going outside and learning the way to catch a meal for yourself. It builds personality and lets you enjoy a relaxing pastime that you and a good pal can enjoy.

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Treating MBD In Lizards

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

One of the most common reptile medical issues is MBD or metabolic bone disease. The condition results from a dietary issue where the bearded dragon, iguana or lizard is not getting the correct amount of certain vitamins and minerals. It is also called Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism or HSHP. Specific nutritional inadequacies discovered in metabolic bone disorder patients include dietary calcium, the proportion of phosphorus to calcium and Vitamin D insufficiency. Vitamin D is required for the proper calcium absorption through the intestines into the blood stream and bones. A lizard could receive satisfactory amounts of calcium in the diet and not aborb the substance due to the lack of vitamin D.

Indications of MBD

There are two groupings of Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism symptoms with the first representing acute symptoms and the second chronic symptoms. A patient can show any of the signs listed below from any of the groups.

  1. In this group, called acute Hypocalcemic Tetany, the lizard will present with convulsions, tremors or bodily spasms. The pet owner will thinkrubbery lookingarms and legs. Symptoms come on quickly and are often found in females after delivering eggs. Symptoms spring from the body compensating for a dietary calcium inadequacy by pulling the substance out of the bones.
  2. The second group of symptoms are also distinguished by changes in the bones. Here the reptile compensates for calcium deficiency in the legs, spine, ribs and lower jaw. It can also be due to an unsatisfactory diet and husbandry problems. Other causes include a scarcity of vitamin and mineral supplements or a lack of exposure to UVB light Symptoms take hold when the body pulls calcium from the bones and replaces it with a softer substance. The bones become pliable and can change shape.


MBD can be life threatening. After the condition is diagnosed, a vet will address any life threatening issues first. This includes addressing any bone fractures that stem from the absence of calcium and the correction of any diet or vitamin and mineral imbalances. The Veterinarian will use a combination of injectable or oral calcium and vitamin D additions to treat the patient.

Once the lizard recovers, the veterinarian will evaluate current care practices and recommend needed corrections. With treatment the prognosis ifor MBD.

The author, Cathy Doggins, has researched and written about a comprehensive number of the problems having an effect on lizards such as reptile MBD. When not lecturing or writing about lizards for, she cares for a collection of different lizard breeds as well as other pets pets. Cathy is a fvolunteer at local shelters and is an active supporter of animal rights.

Setting Up A Reptile Incubator

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Reptile incubators are devices used to give a controlled environment for snake offspring. The Incubators maximize hatching, help protect towards harmful creatures and replace the necessity for huge amounts of soil or conventional hatching tactics employed in the wild. Incubators are often very simple and inexpensive or pricey and advanced. According to the kind of lizard and the necessities for hatching, basic incubators could be all that is needed, nevertheless, certain classes need very specialized conditions for eggs to hatch.

Described below are kinds of incubators utilized in the hatching process of reptile eggs.

1. Poultry egg incubators can be employed for reptiles as well as chickens and have a thermostat sensor and heating device that turns off whenever a temperature setting is reached. The heat level may be adjusted with a lever on the outer top of the incubator that’s attached to the heating coil. The environment is enclosed inside a styrofoam or glass enclosure that will help have a continuous temperature and humidity level from the incubator.

2.  Natural incubators can work equally well as chicken incubators in some circumstances. For making a home made incubator utilizes a 6 inch or larger deep plastic-type food container which has a lid. Stuff the container one-third to halfway by using clean, non-toxic soil and place the eggs delicately in the soil. Poke several large slots in the top and then leave the incubator in a heat level operated room until the eggs hatch. The room temperature needs to be exactly like the natural requirements required by the eggs.

3. Reptile farm incubators are utilized by breeders and therefore are more pricey and hypersensitive incubators that will help make sure hatching process is successful. Professional incubators have greater heat level and environmental control and can even turn the eggs if required. They could additionally take on an even greater number of eggs. Most of these incubators may be great for a specialized or much larger size reptile propagation process.

To ensure hatching process is a success here are primary reptile incubator advice for you. Heat level is one primary factor to look at due to the fact each and every reptile’s eggs could have somewhat completely different temperature specifications. Some reptile eggs can hatch within a temperature range of a few degrees Fahrenheit and some could allow for 1-2 degrees difference.

You should also know the standard time the eggs take before they hatch and not all eggs are bound to hatch since they may be pathogenic, infertile or sterile.

Temperatures can vary greatly according to the gender of the reptile. This means, colder temperatures may incline the eggsto become one gender whereas temperature conditions much closer the upper range can be prone to developing the other sex.

Eggs needs to be left on their own whenever you can. If your clear incubator is used one can check on the eggs while not touching or holding them. Nonetheless, when a non transparent incubator is utilized carefully remove the lid once a week during the early period to check for bad eggs. If perhaps an egg is actually not likely to hatch, get rid of it and dispose it.

To better incubation success researching, referring to a reptile books and individuals who are experts in reptile propagation for proper incubating environments, temperature conditions and reptile supplies.

Make Your Next Pet A Reptile

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

When people think about lovable cuddlesome pets, the last thing they cannot wait to get is a pet reptile. If you are one of these people, then consider taking a look at the hundreds of reptile species that make househould pets.

The word reptile pertains to cold-blooded animals that are more commonly called turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators and crocodiles. Newts are also reptiles. The biggest difference between amphibians and other cold blooded animals is that they breed in the water, but live on the land. The most popular amphibian is frogs.

Caring for a reptile is a long term commitment with lizards living for 18 to 20 years.

Reptiles are Not for Young Children

A pet reptile is not for everyone. Most vets recommend that these pets only be handled by those over age ten with adult supervision. The primary reason is that some lizards carry the chance of passing on salmonella if not handled properly. Captive wild reptiles, such as Geckos, have a larger chance of spreading the disease. Catching wild frogs and lizards disturbs nature. Other problems include the stress it places on animals and the higher incidence of mites and other parasites.

Buying a Reptile

Reptiles should be bought from a credible store or wholesaler. Many towns have annual shows where wholesalers sell many types of reptiles and lizards. They can provide the medical records of the parents and provide valuable information regarding care. Avoid purchasing online since shipping during cold or hot weather may lead to health problems. If buying online, check the standing of the seller and any warranties. Any guarantees should protect against ill reptiles or pets that are not alive on arrival.

Making a Habitat

Reptile aquariums reflect the unique characteristics of the animal and the pets natural environment. For example, a sizeable desert lizard will need a spartan low humidity enclosure. Additional requirements particular to each species is the requirement for extra lighting and a heat source. Most also also need a hiding area. Any cage will need a section that replicates daytime temperatures in and away from the sun. Temperatures at night are several degrees cooler. The reason is that reptiles use air and surface to regulate internal temperature. If the temperature rises or falls too far, the reptile could fall ill.

Handling a Reptile

Most reptiles hate to be touched by people. This is a stress-related fear reply and is not a fixed rule. Handle a reptile early in life to make it seem familiar. Some lizards can be taught to grab food from your hand.

Feeding a Reptile

Last, reptiles vary by dietary requirements. In a terrarium most deviate from what they might naturally eat. Instead they eat a commercial pellet diet or a diverse diet composed of crickets and mealworms and calcium rich dark green plants. Fruit is provided as a treat. Some get their protein from a once-a-week meal of a small mouse as well as insects and plants.

Owning a reptile is becoming increasingly common. It is no wonder that reptiles are one of the most popular pets..

The editor, Cathy Doggins, is the author of hundreds of articles, books and contributions on pet reptiles. Cathy is a well known contributor to and many other exotic wellness and care sites. When not writing about pets, she can be found taking care of her lizards and Bearded Dragon.

Is A Pet Frog Right For You

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

Frogs as pets are increasing n popularity. This is part of a trend where reptile sales are increasing year after year. The best selling frogs include the PacMan, famous for its PacMan like physical appearance, and the Green Treefrog. Treefrogs thrive in small groups and are extremely friendly. Reptiles and Amphibians are only suitable for kids 10 and up thanks to the salmonella risk. This is avoided with good hygiene like cleaning hands after handling.

Frogs are also popular due to their small size. Most amphibians are 2 to 4 inches in length. Some species such as the Ornate Horned Frog can grow to 6 to 9 inches. Other aspects of caring for Frogs include the need to create a tropical habitat. hese pets primarily eat insects, are nocturnal, and are superior climbers. Owning an amphibian is a long-term commitment, with some species living 15 or more years in captivity.

The characteristics and habits of pet frogs would depend on the species. For instance, several species like to burrow in the substrate (material that covers the bottom of an aquarium) while others climb on trees. Most frogs need somewhere to hide. A hiding box or space reduces stress and helps a frog feel safe.

There is one problem with having frogs as pets. Caregivers must keep touching and handling to a bare minimum. They have sensitive skin that provides added respiratory capacity. Handling by humans may expose the frog to infection and restrict this essential skin function.

Another challenge is the frog diet. These insectivores thrive on insects like crickets, waxworms and mealworms. In addition to insects, frogs require a dietary supplement to make up for a lack of direct sunlight in capativity. Most frogs also need a calcium supplement.

Setting up a terrarium is one of the most rewarding aspects of caring for a pet frog. A tropical habitat balances land and water areas to create the perfect home. To raise humidity levels, tanks are covered with a moss substrate. Plants can also help to keep humidity levels high. Misting the tank with water encourages drinking and raises humidity as well.

Since many frogs are tropical animals, they also require higher levels of heat during the daytime. Depending on the species, daytime temperatures should range from 80F on the cool end of the tank to 85F on the heated end.. At night the temperature needs to be 5F to 10F lower. This is done with a ceramic heat lamp placed on the exterior of the tank,

With all of the above you are now prepared to purchase a pet. Always inspect the physical condition of any frog before purchasing. A good specimen will be alert, have clear eyes, will vocalize (if applicable for that species), and will be active. A frog or any amphibian can offer years of joy. Frogs kept in a home habitat can live for ten or more years.

Cathy Doggins is the author of this and many other articles on frogs as pets. When not writing about unusual animals, Cathy can be discovered adopting her next cool small pet or playing with her guinea pigs and rabbits.

Lizards And Reptiles Make Great Pets

Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Reptiles are called exotic pets. They aren’t one type of animal, but include many types including snakes, amphibians, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. There are over 1,000 lizard and reptile to choose from, although only a tiny portion is kept in prison. Reptiles can be caught in the wild or reared for home usage. Those that are bred for home usage tend to do better in a home aquarium since wild lizards aren't conditioned to being confined.

Part of the excitement of caring for or breeding a pet reptile is choosing both the kind of animal you want and then constructing an environmentally appropriate vivarium. Reptiles such as snakes and lizards come from all sorts of environs including woodlands, tropical areas, savannas, deserts, and marine areas. Reptiles from each need to be kept in a habitat that reflects these native areas.

Reptiles are called ectotherms, suggesting that heir body cannot control temperature. Instead, their body temperature mirrors the ambient temperature. So if you make a decision to care for a pet savanna reptile, you'll need to create a the same arid or high humidity level. This includes an area that will allow the reptile to bask in elevated temperatures, a cooler daytime area, and a nighttime temperature that is roughly 10 to 15 degrees lower. Daylight or UVB light is important and leads to the creation of vitamin D, a factor that is essential for calcium absorption. Calcium may also be provided thru the diet. The optimal type of light is unfiltered sunlight, since light that passes through aquarium walls or glass or Plexiglas that removes important UVB rays.

Each reptile species has unique dietary requirements. The reptile diet is composed of insects, plants, veg, fruit or meat. Omnivores eat a combination of plants and meat. In fact, most reptiles in prison get used to easting all types of food at a young age. The dominant food needs to mirror the diet they would eat in natural settings. Insect diets are composed of mealworms, crickets, and other live insects. Meat can include live small rodents called pinkies. There are also complete commercial diets available in pellet form, although most veterinary nutritionists suggest a wide variety of foods in addition to the all in one food. If a pet doesn’t eat a diverse diet, then a vitamin supplement is often required.

Reptiles can survive for ten plus years. They’re fascinating animals to watch with part of the fun dedicated to the design of the perfect habitat. While they do not like to be held, they are fascinating to watch and offer years of pleasure.

Cathy Doggins is the author of this and hundreds of other articles on exotic pet lizards and reptiles. When not writing about reptiles and topics like this Cathy can be discovered caring for her Bearded Dragon, Leopard Gecko and multiple dogs and cats. She's a famous speaker and advocate for the handling of exotic and small animals.

Looking For Vivariums For Sale, Just How Do I Choose

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

If you have to find out which pet shops have the lizards for sale, have you also thought about getting them a home as well. It is essential that you consider this, so you will also need to look out for the vivariums for sale.

What you I look for when selecting a vivarium?

The actual requirements you have to consider when getting a vivarium will depend on the reptile you purchase. Clearly the primary factors to keep in mind are size and height. The bigger the reptile is, or will grow to, could have some bearing on the size, and also whether or not it likes to climb, then they would need a tall vivarium, but if they are ground-based the height should not really matter.

Two accessories you should also consider buying is a suitable lamp and also a thermometer to make sure the temperature [remains] stable. There can also be a need for a steady stream of air so ventilation is essential. The thickness of the glass is also important as there’s a risk of breakage when the glass is simply too thin. 

Hints on purchasing a lizard

It is very important you pay particular attention towards the person who is marketing lizards for sale. It is essential that they’re either a reputable pet shop or perhaps a accredited dealer. When you do come across somewhere to buy a lizard, you will need to know which kind of lizard is suitable for you to keep. The three most popular breeds of lizards for sale are bearded dragons, geckos, and Mali Uromastyx. These exotic pets are rare and valuable.

Every breed of lizard has its own specific needs. It is important that you know how much cash you have to spend, the size of the area you will keep them in, as well as the length of time you can spend caring for them. For example, a bearded Dragon would need a great deal of room for it to be relaxed, and in addition requires UV lights. These lights would need to be changed at least thrice a year so could be very costly. You will find that a gecko isn’t very active throughout the day as it is a nocturnal creature. However, they only need half a living space required by the bearded Dragon. You will discover that the Mali needs a lot of interaction, and as they have an average lifespan is 30 years, plenty of commitment can be required.

Go on-line and find highly regarded dealers when looking for the finest lizards on sale here: visit this site. These selected dealers will also have vivariums at this web site. You would have the ability to advise you which of them is the very best for the pet.

Where Could I Find Some Bearded Dragons For Sale

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

It could come as a shock to a lot of people that reptiles are becoming extremely popular as pets. And if you do not know a lot about reptiles you’re almost certainly mystified by this fact. The most popular of reptiles are snakes and bearded dragons. Snakes, as you’re probably aware come in all sizes and shapes, but bearded dragons are extremely small and extremely fragile. Do not be surprised when you’re looking through your local papers classified adverts if you see some snakes at this link:

If you choose to start keeping reptiles as pets you do have to buy some special equipment so as to  simulate their natural habitat. This will include the lamps and heating pads. If If you have never had the pleasure of seeing a bearded dragon it might be difficult to see what the attraction is to them. Well they’re probably one of the tamest and friendliest reptiles about. When they’re being handled by humans they appear to be completely relaxed, actually they have been known to cling onto their handlers to avoid being placed into their enclosure.

Surprisingly, they are a perfect pet for children. However it is essential to elucidate that they’re very fragile. They are perfect to handle because they don’t scratch or bite. They may be seen happily relaxing in their handlers hands and show no obvious signs of distress. Under the correct conditions they’ve also been known to breed. They tick all of the boxes that a perfect pet would, they’re easy to care for, they don’t take up much space, and children love them, so if you see any bearded dragons the sale grab the opportunity to get one.

However, why would anybody want to keep a snake in their household as a pet. They are probably not the perfect pet to have around children because some of them are generally extremely terrifying when crossed. It is a well-known fact that some snakes have the ability to swallow a small child whole, regardless of if they crushed to death first. However, if you see snakes for sale in the local pet shop, or from a good company on the Net, there is a good chance that they’ll be safe to keep as pets

If you’re determined to keep the snake as a pet it is extremely important that you find out as much details about them as you can. There are lots of good books available about looking after snakes for sale around the Internet, they will also teach you how to keep them in peak condition and how to be a responsible keeper. Some boards will even provide you with the details on how to breed snakes in captivity, together with other useful information which will keep you safe.

It isn’t cheap to have reptiles as pets. You will find your electricity bill will go up quite dramatically as reptiles have to be kept in a constantly heated environment so as to survive. Insurance costs may also rise, particularly to cover veterinary bills. Looking after exotic creatures can take lots of time so before you tell your children that you have seen those sweet bearded dragons the sale consider carefully on just how much it is actually going to cost you.

Go here right now: Click right here. I am certain you’ll discover the best reptiles in the city.

Buy Leopard Gecko – The Reptiles Are Amazing – What Makes Them Unique?

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Leopard geckos are wonderful creatures. This site at show why they make excellent pets.Leopard geckos are night creatures that often dwell under the ground. They are generally tame and docile so it is no wonder why people are interested to collect them as pets. They are not the average species of gecko because they do not have climbing capabilities. Another thing that makes them different from geckos is that they do not have eyelids. Since leopard geckos are night creatures they do not need any special kind of ultra violet rays in order to survive in the cage or places where you will allow them to live. You must take note on what type of food and vitamins you need to ensure that you have a healthy lizard under you care. You can use insects and mealworms to feed them to your leopard gecko but you must feed these insects and mealworms with commercially available diets that will “gut load” them so that they will never infect your leopard gecko with viruses and bacteria. You need to do these 12 hours before feeding them to your pet. You must never mix vitamin drops in your pet’s drinking water. Just be sure to keep a shallow water dish with fresh water re-supplied at all times. A good factor that you need to consider when choosing an ideal habitat for your leopard gecko has to be where you can help them avoid such small particles from being ingested along with their meals. Too many newspapers use for lining the cage can cause your pet ingestion. Sand and wood shavings need to be avoided too since you have to think about your pet’s love for eating anything that they can find within the confines of their cage. The bottom line is that leopard geckos on the contrary to some might think are easy to care for. You must need to learn all about what you need to know about your exotic pet in order to see them live for a longer time which can be up to 20 years in some cases. You must also decide on how many you can manage to take care of since they tend to breed easily. There is also a need to raise the young geckos that your pets will produce in an ideal environment where they will successfully thrive.

Pet Snakes – What You Must To Understand About Snakes As Pets

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

Why do you want snakes as pets?

I might ask, why would you not desire snakes as pets? Most people don39;t often think about snakes as pets ; but definitely this approach starts to modify. Snakes can be kept as pets without difficulty: snakes neither make undue mess nor must they be taken out for walks. And many them are lovely: a Boa Constrictor, a garter snake, or maybe a hog nose snake is commonly as attractive as any bird or exotic fish. Though potentially not as pleasant as a dog or cat, a python or boa can be almost as lovable; with plenty still that will then be found out about them, the animal owner is in an ideal position to help in making fresh discoveries and discoveries. The adventuresome snake keeper will probably need to reproduce from his or her stock: there are many species which haven39;t yet been reared in prison.


If you're going to keepsnakes as pets, it is especially vital to supply a place to shelter the snake before it is either acquired or caught. This preparation is required thanks to the temperature it may need, plus many snakes are really presented escapers.

The vivarium or terrarium is a special cage for numerous types of small animals requiring more than a normal common box to exist in. It39;s crucial to try to form a small model of the natural environment to which the reptile is accustomed in the vivarium.

The prerequisites for a vivarium in which to keepsnakes as pets; heat, nourishment, light, as well as area. These must haves will generally will effect on the ultimate personal taste of snake. The owner of snakes as pets must be totally satisfied that he will keep his/her selection of pet comfortable as well as fed, and supply it with enough light as well as space or room. A modest vivarium for just a few snakes, as an example, may be simply heated by way of a 40 watt bulb, however a large python or boa would need one or two 250 watt glowing lightbulbs to reach an OK temperature. Some snakes could most likely feed happily on worms, raw egg, and sliced meat, though a gigantic python may need 1 or 2 complete chickens or rabbits per week. The contrast is definitely an incredible one, however it does stress the obligation for thinking cautiously with regards to the accessibility of a regular source of the right nutrition: a snake may just accept brown-and-white or practically black mice, and yet may appear indifferent by white mice. In pretty much all cases their food must be recently killed; if the odour and body heat are lacking it looks simply an object rather than food, and can actually be defied “even by a starving snake.

Space or room is vital for the healthful development and growth of all reptiles. Some may appear to do very well and to feed with barely acceptable room to turn round, but their standard rate of enlargement can be limited. In sharp relief to the viewpoints of a few folks, snakes do stretch themselves out, and really dynamic reptiles like racer snakes might harm themselves when artificially limited.

Another critical thing to contemplate in the choice of a snakes as pets will be the provision of the species. Reptile exports are forbidden from both Australia and New Zealand, and many North American species are vigorously protected. India, too , has limited the foreign trade of pretty much all its local fauna. Importing can also be restricted and it is smart to test state policies prior to making any arrangements. The non-professional may possibly be best advised to buy only those specimens readily available in their own area. Many respected pet dealers can source reptiles, though these are often offered to order “thru specialist providers “rather than from stock. These specialized dealers will most probably deliver a stockpile of their stock to any likely customer. A number of these listings are truly thorough, suggesting the food and living environments of the reptiles; and many provide the creature’s Latin names.

Greg Weir is an amateur herpetologist and runs the Pet Snake website at