Chicken Coop Designs – Chicken Coop Designs for Urban Dwellers

If you live in the suburbs and want to raise your own backyard chickens, there are a few easy ways that you can build attractive chicken coop designs that won’t upset the neighbors. Of course, many suburbs have ordinances against farm animals, so you will want to check this fact out, first.

There are some great chicken coop designs for backyard, small urban dwellers. A child’s playhouse when converted as a chicken coop would be one of the cutest chicken coop there is. Other clever chicken coop designs use recycling, such as an old bunk bed frame to be enclosed with a plywood roof and the elevated floor is supported by the bottom bed slats. Coming up with chicken coop designs is easier for some than others, but you can find some great ideas, kits and plans on the Internet.

One of the easily adapted chicken coop design is a large chicldren’s playhouse. Most of them are large enough to house up to 4 chickens. They already have a roof and windows with door, they mainly just need to have water and feeding stations added and if it is a full sized children’s playhouse, you can move old stuffed chairs in for nesting boxes. From the outside it looks like a playhouse, but the inside is an egg-laying operation.

The chicken coop designs that use garden sheds are best for this purpose, too. You can easily adapt a garden shed or outbuilding into a chicken coop. Some urban dwellers have built onto their home, multi-story “boxes” that look like outside stacking storage boxes with mesh wire fronts. These kind of chicken coop houses are easily disguised to the eyes of a not so expert people. Some of them feature a top level penthouse, that resembles a glassed in porch to provide warmth from the sunlight, yet allows you to open the windows to let heat out and ventilate the chicken coop.

Urban dwellers just need to use a little imagination, when it comes to chicken coop designs that blend with the exterior of their homes. You can easily build your own chicken coops with your own chicken coop designs that use some of the household goods and building materials you already have.

One creative urban dweller built a patio chicken coop using a brick retaining wall for the back side, an older kitchen countertop for the roof, enclosed the two sides with plywood and used mesh front cabinet doors for the front and left over shelving for roosting perches. It doubled as a supply table when he was using the outside grill, and it easily hosed out with the concrete floor.

Backyard chicken farmers can be urban dwellers and still raise their own fresh eggs with some creative chicken coop designs and a little ingenuity. One creative recycler hauled off front loading washers for free and lined them across his back fence, replaced the washer doors with mesh doors and turned them into individual chicken apartments that were housed in a gazebo-style chicken yard, hidden with flowering vines. It was a creative way to recycle, save and protect his chicken with his chicken coop designs. Chicken coop designs for urban dwellers are on the Internet, but you can come up with ingenious chicken coop designs using things you already have, in some cases.

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