Archive for September, 2009

Understanding Gum Disease…

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

dental care Definition- Gum disease refers to infection in the bone and tissue area surrounding the teeth, usually caused by bacteria contained in the food and plaque build-up on the teeth and gums. The plaque produces toxins that have a painful and irritating effect on the sensitive tissue. The plaque will harden over time and […]

What Is The Best Material For Animal Bedding?

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

animal bedding Take this into consideration while looking at animal bedding options. Most of the time, you will use the product one time, then muck it out. Notwithstanding the size of your pets, their pens are changed quite often. Why not use a recycled product instead of purchasing one that you will use only a […]

Watch Out for Gum Disease – It Can Sneak Up On You!

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

dental care Definition- Gum disease also known as Periodontitis refers to infection in the area in and around teeth specifically the tissue and bone. The main cause of infection is bacteria found in the tartar and plaque build-up caused by a lack of oral hygiene. Large amounts of toxins are found in the bacteria, having […]

Do You Have Either Gingivitis Or Periodontal Disease?

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

oral irrigator There are many different types of periodontal disease though many individuals have difficulty determining between a periodontal disease and gingivitis. Periodontal diseases are caused by bacteria and are inflammatory diseases. The periodontium is actually the tissue that surrounds and supports the teeth. Besides inflammation some periodontal will involve losing bone around the teeth. […]

The Occurrence Of Periodontal Disease

Monday, September 14th, 2009

oral irrigator Periodontal disease occurs throughout the world and is in fact the 2nd most common dental disease found worldwide. Basically periodontal disease affects the periodontium, which is the tissue surrounding the teeth. Due to improper oral hygiene bacteria can grow and cause the tissue to become inflamed. If left untreated eventually your teeth can […]

Why Do We Suffer From Periodontal Disease?

Monday, September 14th, 2009

oral irrigator There are three main types of periodontal disease. The very early stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis though some forms of the disease do not have any symptoms. Bacteria that establishes a population in your mouth is the cause of periodontal disease. The bacteria cause inflammation in the tissue surrounding your teeth and […]

How Do You Know If You Have Periodontal Disease and What Can You do About It?

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

oral irrigator Periodontal disease can be very annoying and once you have it you can never get rid of it. This disease affects the gums and supportive tissue around your teeth. Many times gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease. It is possible to prevent periodontal disease but you will need to have started prevention when […]

Methods For Fighting Periodontal Disease

Saturday, September 12th, 2009

oral irrigator Periodontal disease occur sin the tissues surrounding the teeth and jawbone. If untreated gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease and once you have periodontal disease you can never get rid of it. It is important that you visit the dentist when you notice issues with your gums. If left untreated you can lose […]

Learn in Building Chicken Coop In Your Own Backyard

Friday, September 11th, 2009

  Are you looking for a way to give your family the best nutrition and health?. Then, why don’t you try to learn a couple of good chicken coop plans on your own and build in your own yard? You can really save money if you build it yourself and your chickens will have all […]

What Periodontal Disease Is All About…

Friday, September 11th, 2009

oral irrigator Many of us know about periodontal disease even if we do not know exactly what it is. It is also called periodontitis. The disease attacks the gums and all the connective tissues used to support the teeth. Progressive bone loss is one result. If left untreated, a loss of teeth can occur. It […]