Dealing With A Lost Pet Is Not Easy

Make sure that you do not panic if you lose a pet. If you start to panic you will not be able to think straight and ultimately you will not find your pet because you are unable to think of the correct strategy of getting it back.

Do not ever give up looking because animals turn up all over the place, my dog was literally miles away, here is the story:

We had just got a resuce dog from the RSPCA and she was slowly starting to get used to us. Now we had noticed that the morning walk had taken a bit longer than normal and were starting to get worried when an hour ticked by, then just as we were about to go out looking, Dad walks in without the dog.

What had happened is that he took a different route to normal and went down a main road, when a car went speeding by the dog had panicked and had pulled hard and escaped with the lead still attached to it.

So the search had begun with us frantically approaching printing management companies to help us look for the dog by flyer printing.

It had been a while and we had given up all hope when we had a call from somebody who thought she had trapped the dog in a field. Mum and another friend from work went off in the car to see if there was even a small chance it could be her. The thing is we thought this was impossible as the location was over ten miles from where she went missing. Well it turned out that somehow the dog had managed to get across the countryside, main roads, and survived only looking a bit thinner and in need of a bath. it is still not known how she managed to travel across such a large distance without hurting herself.

Never give up as you have read, it is always possible that the dog can turn up. There is of course the option of fitting a tracking chip inside the animal in the similar way that many businesses do with branding design Brighton.

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