Discus Aquarium – The Home For Your Discus Fish

Discus aquarium conditions has to be perfect for healthy discus fish.  Discus fish are labeled as some of the hardest fish to maintain simply because they are so sensitive to the water.  Most people say that should you be a beginner that you ought to not commence with a discus aquarium.  I believe that if you have the appropriate manual and guidance, you are going to be able to have healthy discus fish.

Discus Aquarium – Water Conditions

Keeping your discus aquarium clean can take some maintenance.  Do not worry, you don’t’ have to invest a lot of cash on a Reverse Osmosis unit.  They’re very excellent with regards to keeping the high quality of the water clean.  You’ll be able to achieve this be changing out 25% of the water frequently.  I would suggest that you do this a minimum of two times a week.

As stated previously, your discus fish is really sensitive to water and also the water conditions has to be clean at all times.   A good tip would be to add a water conditioner to the tank.  Tetra Aqua Secure Water Conditioner is awesome to use.  It will get rid of metals and any chloride from the water.  1 essential thing is to make certain that you’ve a heater as well as a thermometer to ensure that it is possible to maintain the temperatures of the water.  The water temperature ought to be between 25-30 degrees Celsius and 80-86 degreed Fahrenheit.  The pH levels of the tank water need to be between five.5-7.  The optimal level is 6.  You are able to purchase a test kit from the pet store or any store that sales pet supplies.  You must keep the water hardness at 0-8dH.

Discus Aquarium – Filtration

Water filtration is quite important.  You can find 3 types of filtration that may be used and they’re mechanical, biological and chemical filtration.

Mechanical filtration will assist remove food and waste form the tank.  You’ll be able to use a sponge or pads.  This technique will filter out the waste before your tank is contaminated.

Chemical filtration absorbs any pollutants from the tank.  This is excellent from removing chlorine and phosphates for the tank.

Biological filtration helps preserve a condition in the water that is secure for your discus.  The biological filtration aid with the nitrogen cycle.  This is the bacteria that your fish tank requirements.

Discus Aquarium – Tank Ornaments

Your discus fish are gorgeous fish and I know that you would like to make your discus aquarium just as gorgeous.  Here are some items that may be added to the tank.  It is possible to add gravel, ornaments, pats and driftwood.  Just don’t forget, you must ensure that you clean up waste and uneaten food.

If you’re a beginner, start off with a bare bottom tank.  Only add some plants for them to hide.  Most beginners have bad experiences since they do not maintain the tank clean.  A bare bottom tank indicates that none factor is placed at the bottom, no gravel, no ornaments and no rocks.  It’ll be less complicated to you to eliminate uneaten food and waste from the tank. As time goes on and you’ll be able to commence to add ornaments to the tank.

Your  Discus Aquarium is your pride and joy.  There are some important tips to know to keeping your discus fish happy and healthy.  For a complete guide on discus aquarium and discus fish care; visit:  Discus Care.

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