Do You Have Either Gingivitis Or Periodontal Disease?
There are many different types of periodontal disease though many individuals have difficulty determining between a periodontal disease and gingivitis. Periodontal diseases are caused by bacteria and are inflammatory diseases. The periodontium is actually the tissue that surrounds and supports the teeth. Besides inflammation some periodontal will involve losing bone around the teeth. Sometimes a device, like the hydro floss, which should not be confused with the hydro pulse can be useful.
Besides dental decay, periodontitus is the second most common disease found around the world. There is a relationship between your ethnic origins and periodontal disease, as those from the US tend to have a higher prevalence of periodontal disease then Latin individuals. Those from Asia, the Mediterranean, Israel and North Africa also have greater chance of having periodontitus then those form other European countries. It is also thought that social behaviors may also be the main cause of periodontitus between different cultures. When travelling, it might be useful to bring a portable oral irrigator. It appears to be better than a toothbrush alone.
Some early signs of periodontal disease include bleeding of gums and redness during brushing or flossing, recurring swelling of the gums, bad breath or a metallic taste in the mouth, lengthening of the teeth by gingival recession, deep pockets between the gums and teeth and loss teeth.
The most common form is chronic periodontitus. This is a slow progressive disease that does not make its appearance known until adulthood. Gingivitis is actually periodontitus at its earliest stages. Unfortunately you cannot eliminate chronic periodontitus it can only be managed.
Insidious periodontitus does not have any symptoms until it is in its late stages. An oral irrigator might be able to help prevent some of this problem. Some later stage symptoms include loose teeth, change in bite, acute gum abscesses, bad breath, itchy gums, sore gums and bleeding gums. The only way to diagnose is through a periodontal exam. Episodic periodontitus occurs in spots throughout the mouth and the active stages may be on for a few months and then may stop and then return again. Again you will need to have an exam to diagnose.
Author: Scott W.
This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to advise, diagnose or treat any health problem whatsoever. If you have or think you might have a health problem, visit your doctor for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about products in this article.