Dwarf Rabbit – Tips To Feed A Dwarf Rabbit

On average|Normally los conejos enanos may live to 5 years or more.
The ideal age for the female Dwarf Lop bunny to start breeding is between five to six months of age. The first litter must be born before the female is 1 year old. The cause for this is that immediately after this age the pelvic bones fuse and she wouldn’t be able to give birth naturally. They should have no more litters after the age of three years.
Average Litter Size        
Los conejos enanos has usually litters between 3-6, they have been known to produce up to 8.
Gestation Period        
The gestation period is between 28-31 days. Normally they give birth at 30-34 days.
General Physical Description        
The Dwarf Lop rabbit is a tiny, compact rabbit. The ears are generally long, floppy and also delicate.
The Dwarf Lop rabbit can weigh around 2.4kgs. Several are small and weigh less than this.
The mainstay of a rabbit’s diet must be big unlimited sums of fresh hay, fresh fruits and vegetables, a well-balanced dry bunny mix and plenty of fresh water. Bunnies have quite sensitive stomachs so when eating fresh fruits and vegetables make sure they are added to the diet 1 vegetable at one time and remove specific varieties if they cause diarrhoea. An earthenware can is the ideal type of feeding dish to use, as they are more difficult to knock over than the cheap ones, also they are not chewable.
Cage & Bedding        
For an outdoor conejo enano the best house is a wooden hutch made of a heavy wood with a water-proof roof, and raised off the floor. If the bunnie is going to live inside your home then a wooden hutch can also be used or a cage.

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