Finding the Right Puggle Breeder

Are you planning on buying a puggle to your home? They can be quite a handful for the owner if purchased. Even if you fall in love with the puggle the moment you set your eyes on it, it is better to find out some information about the puggle as well as the puggle breeders.
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There are so many puggle breeders who are in the business just for the money it brings. Puppy mills and dog farms are places where pets are treated in an unhealthy way. Knowing where your pet came from is very important. Some people may think that it does not matter from where the pet came from as long as it will be treated well in the new owners’ home. Unfortunately this is not the truth. A dog’s first few years are crucial for its development.
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There are enough of puggle breeders who are selfish and want to make quick money by selling puggles. If a puggle was brought up in a dog farm or a puppy mill, it will definitely be ill-treated. As a result, they will be scared to live with humans. They lack emotional communication and owners may find it hard to live with them around.
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A lot of puggle breeders in dog farms do their job as a business, to earn a good profit. The profit is gained at the expense of innocent dogs. If you have no idea about this type of puggle breeders but decide to purchase a dog from such a place, you’d only be contributing to their suffering. This suffering is not only for the pet you decide to buy, but also for their mother. Puggle breeders are happy when puggles from their dog farm or mill are sold. So when the sales rise, it gives way for more breeding.

Luckily not everyone is the same. There are enough of puggle breeders who are more responsible and are not solely relying on a profit. Such puggle breeders have the intention of bringing in a new member to a family; in this case it will be a new puggle. Buying a puggle from responsible puggle breeders will ensure the healthiness of the dog as well as help them in identifying its lineage.

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