Gingivitis: What Is Important to Know?
A bright smile, full of clean, healthy teeth, has come to be synonymous with youth and beauty. That is a debatable point. What is not open to debate is the fact that a clean mouth is the only way to prevent gingivitis. Sometimes, a good oral irrigator is very helpful in this regard.
Gingivitis is an infection of the gums caused by plaque that is allowed to remain on the teeth and gums for an extended period of time. The first symptoms of the disease are swollen and red gums. It is easy to miss this first set of symptoms, but the next stage is hard to ignore. By the second stage the swelling has become more pronounced and you are likely to experience pain and bleeding when flossing or brushing.
Many people are tempted to simply brush less frequently and do away with flossing entirely to avoid the pain. This however, is the absolute worst thing you could do. Additional tools, such as a hydro floss, not to be confused with the hydro pulse, can be quite useful. If the plaque that has caused the gingivitis is allowed to stay on the teeth after the onset of secondary symptoms you may well end up with periodontitis. This is an infection of the jaw and it can lead to irreversible damage.
Instead of brushing less when your gums begin to bleed, you need to brush more effectively and frequently. This will get rid of the offending plaque and food particles. It will also increase blood flow to your gums which will shorten the amount of time it takes them to heal. An ozone generator, which can be used to make an oxygenated mouthwash could be quite helpful.
In fact, a stringent oral hygiene routine that includes not only brushing and flossing but also regular visits to your dentist, is the only way to keep from getting gingivitis in the first place. If you do develop gingivitis, then your dentist can suggest a course of action to rectify the situation and check your progress.
Disclaimer: This article is for information only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or give advice. If you have or think you have an oral health problem or any health problem, visit your dentist or periodontist for advice, diagnosis and treatment. The USFDA has not evaluated statements about any products mentioned in this article.