Has you vet had its shots?
When you are thinking vet, what is the first thing that comes into your head first? Having your pet put down, injury to a pet? I am almost certain that cleanliness is the the first thing to come into your head. However when you think of a normal doctor’s surgery I’m sure that it is one of the top three that comes into your head. There is certainly no way that you would sit in a normal surgery that is covered in dust, marks and one that smells. Cleanliness is very important in the doctors as so many different people visit it every day. If a surgery is not clean then it is possible for diseases, illnesses and germs to spread to everyone else sitting in the room. So why should things be different for a veterinary?
There should be no difference at all. Hair, skin, fleas, germs and dirt are all things your pet can let loose in the waiting room of a veterinary by having a simple scratch or bite. It is possible for humans to catch some of the illnesses the pets have if they are not treated properly. Is there a way to solve this pressing issue? A big clean at the end of every day is important. As well as this commercial laundry can come into play too. Washing the blankets the pets use at the surgery is the best way to stop things from spreading.
Commercial washing machines is the best way to do this as they can be made for the purpose of washing these types of material, getting the hair and residue off to stop the spread of anything nasty.
So next time you visit the veterinary make sure it is clean and if you are the owner of one then check your washing machines are doing the job they are supposed to.