How Dog Separation Anxiety Starts.

Does your dog have dog separation anxiety? Do you ever return home and think “What happened here?” Your place does not seem like the way you left it there is mess everywhere and instead of enjoying a quiet evening at home you are made to clean up a massive mess.

Dog separation anxiety in dogs begins in different dogs in many different ways. These are some of the most typical dog anxiety symptoms and begins in different levels.

Level 1 Noise like barking, yelping, whining, howling.
This is probably the most typical exhibition of dog anxiety. Your dog may initially make whining noises which can easily increase to barking, howling and yapping.

Dogs at level one of separation anxiety may also seem to be clinging and follow you everywhere around the house or yard. They seem to have a compulsive need to with you all the time.

Level 2 Destructive behaviour.
Destructive behavior is also exceedingly common where your dog may empty the bins all over the kitchen and spread the contents of the cupboard everywhere.

In the most intense cases you canine friend totals furniture; tears up carpet and will even cause structural issues with your home.

The ‘extreme destructive behavior ‘ is not as common as ‘making a mess ‘ sort of behaviour.

Level 3 Most Serious anxiety including self harm and self injury.
Some dogs don’t ‘act out ‘ but internalize their discomfort and confusion. They can become fully dispirited and do not seem to enjoy anything; they appear to just give up!

Some other dogs, when they internalize their feeling and confusion too much, have been documented to chew on their feet or tails to the point where they require vet treatment.

Some dogs can self harm so much and may cause so much damage by chewing on themselves that their tail or toes need amputation.

It’s insignificant what sort of behavior your dog is exhibiting, you are reading this info about anxiety in dogs so you are clearly trying to find solutions. Sure, you can try pricey dog training schools or individual one on one dog training courses but there are more options available that won’t break the budget.

Next, discover how it’s possible for you to discover if your canine friend has dog separation anxiety and learn how it’s possible for you to implement straightforward strategies and techniques to cure yourdog anxiety issues.

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