How To Train Your Baby Pitbull Not To Bite
Some exasperated dog owners ask me, “How you do you train a pitbull not to bite?” My answer is always, “That depends.” If your pitbull is a puppy, it’ll be a lot easier to train him to stop biting. It’ll be a bit on the tough side though if your pitbull is already an adult. But it can be done.
But first, we need to be clear on some things. When you say “bite” do you mean your pitbull bites people out of viciousness? Or do you mean your puppy nips people? There are big differences in the 2 kinds of biting I mentioned. No reason is ever acceptable though.
Bitting Due to Teething
A pitbull puppy begins to teethe when his teeth grow in. Growing teethe is a painful process, and that’s why your dog bites on hard things – to stop the pain. Your pitbull pup will also try to chew your hand if nothing else is available in order to relieve the painful process of teething.
. But you need to put an immediate stop to your dog’s biting behavior so that it doesn’t become a habit.
Biting Due to Aggression
Nipping due to teething is entirely different from nipping due to aggression. If your baby pit tries to bite you when you try to take something from him, he’s trying to show you who’s boss. Your dog biting or growling at you is never acceptable. If you allow him to get away with it once, he’ll do it all the time. He’ll also learn that to get what he wants, all he has to do is bite you.
Here are 3 tips to stop your pitbull from biting:
- Let Him Chew On Ice – If your puppy is teething, give him ice cubes on which to chew. The coolness will soothe his achy gums while the hardness will allow him to have something solid to bite into.
- Demonstrate You’re The Alpha – Every dog needs a pack leader. Demonstrate to your pitbull puppy that you’re the dominant and he’s the submissive. One way to do this is by touching his food before feeding him so that the food will have your scent on it and so that he accepts your handling his food.
- Buy A Reward-Based Dog Training System – Based on scientific studies conducted, Pitbulls respond best to reward-based dog training systems. ClickerTraining: The 4 Secrets to Becoming a Supertrainer is the best dog training guide for Pitbulls.
Lastly, make sure you socialize your pitbull puppy early on. If your puppy’s biting is fear based, socialization will enable your dog to become comfortable around other dogs, thereby lessening his fears.
Read an in-depth review of ClickerTraining: The 4 Secrets to Becoming a Supertrainer at and learn more ways to train your pitbull to not bite. You can also take a look at my reviews of some of the best dog training guides online.