Hungarian Vizslas History and Facts

Hungarian Vizslas are known as Hungary s National dog. They are hunting dogs and they ve made their first appearance in Central Europe around 13th   14th century. Talking about Hungarian Vizslas breed, they are one of the most purest dog breeds in the world. The temperament of the Hungarian Vizslas is usually easy because they appear happy and playful all the time. So it is safe to say Hungarian Vizslas are active dogs.
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Personality wise, Hungarian Vizslas falls in between a Spaniel and a Pointer. They are known to be difficult to train due to their stubborn yet sensitive nature. Smell is something that distracts Hungarian Vizslas big time. So if you were calling its name but at the same time if it smells something that it feels is worth the search, you will find it running around like mad in search of the smell.
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Although Hungarian Vizslas make good friends to children and other dogs, they are timid in nature when they come in to contact with other people. So you should start socializing the puppy quite soon.
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Hungarian Vizslas should be ideally brought up in a fenced yard because apartment life may not be the ideal for this creature and it may even end up being depressed. Hungarian Vizslas also needs daily exercise to keep it fit and prompt and it may be the happiest if it is given a job such as to hunt or retrieve. So the best bet is that an owner who enjoys jogging or a hunting will thoroughly enjoy the company of this dog.

Patience is a virtue for any owner of a Hungarian Vizslas plus physical strength is a must because Hungarian Vizslas because they would grow up to 21   24 inches at the shoulder and would weight up to 45-60 pounds.
Also remember that the short coat on Hungarian Vizslas needs constant grooming, so that is another area you should be willing to take over as the owner of Hungarian Vizslas. So make sure you allocate the enough time aside for training and grooming for your dear Hungarian Vizsla.

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