Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth and Mouth Healthy

Dog Food for Life

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Many people are unaware that although dogs rarely experience tooth decay (thanks to their naturally non-acidic saliva and habit of chewing on whatever they can find!), they can still be at risk for infection. If you have noticed that your dog’s breath seems particularly stinky, this could be a sign that your dog’s gums have become infected. This is often caused by tartar build up below the gum line which traps bacteria inside. If this is the case, you should take your dog to the vet immediately, as infection can be highly uncomfortable for your pet and could lead to serious gum and tooth problems.

The best preventative measure that you can exercise to keep tartar from building up is to brush your dog’s teeth. This may seem a bit funny at first, but it is an important part of hygiene for dogs, just as it is for humans. You can purchase a canine toothbrush at most pet stores or online, but you should be aware that using human toothpaste when brushing your dog’s teeth can be extremely harmful and should never be done. If you are going to use toothpaste, you can purchase some that is specifically designed to be used on canines.

It is best to use a circular motion when you brush your dogs teeth, followed up by vertical strokes—not unlike the way we humans brush our own teeth! Be sure to keep the brush strokes light, as brushing too hard can cause your pooch’s gums to bleed.

A dog’s teeth should be brushed about three times a week. As mentioned before, dogs have a habit of chewing and gnawing frequently, in addition to their non-acidic saliva, which means that their teeth don’t require cleaning as often as a human’s. If you really want to dedicate yourself to keeping your canine’s chompers in pristine condition, try scheduling a scaling and cleaning session with your vet every two or three years. This will help your dog’s teeth stay pearly white and strong for many years to come. You can also get a copy of the Dog Food for Life eBook, which has helpful information about doggy hygiene and diet.

I encourage you to visit Dog Food for Life for more information about canine hygiene and diet.

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