Keeping Your Dog’s Biting Playful.

When your dog bites aggressively, take it under control.When play-biting becomes hurtful, responsible owners must look into the cause of this behavior.


You may wish to check Secrets To Dog Training.


Do you Truly Believe It’s Behavioral?


When your dog has a biting problem, begin behavior modification only when you have ruled out the possibility of a physiological defect.To ensure this, let your dog undergo a thorough physical exam at the vet’s.Some tests can rule out physiological defects that may explain the behavior.Your vet can address the behavior problems if it’s physiological.A procedure can effectively stop your dog’s aggressiveness.


When you’re definite it’s physiological, begin behavior modification to put the biting under control.


Should You Leave it to The Pro?


Consider two things to help you decide:


Your willingness to meet the challenge.Are you committed to do what it takes to turn negative behavior into a positive temperament? You’ll be required to put in an hour every day for weeks, perhaps months to complete the task.You may wish to sign up for an online dog-training course.


The dangers your dog poses.If your dog is still young, you are in a good position to control him.Smaller dogs are easier to manage than adult dogs; they’re also not as dangerous because they are not as strong.Dog-keepers have been sued and their dogs put down for biting other people.


You may find more information on dog fear aggression Dog Fear Aggression.


Behavior Modification Through Positive Pre-Conditioning.


Positive pre-conditioning is the guideline used in the various techniques to behavior modification.If you’ve heard of the term in human physiology classes, you don’t find it surprising it’s used in odg behavior also.After all, humans know of canine intelligence.


Basically, positive pre-conditioning in dogs works like it does in humans.Rewarding excellent behavior calls for repeating the behavior.


Take play-biting when puppies nip each other at their mother’s breasts.Observe keenly and notice the puppies are on to each other for mommy’s nipples.Soon, a pup cries in pain and abandons the game.


When a puppy withdraws from a game with his high-spirited playmates, he illustrates how pre-conditioning works.The puppy leaving the game tells his fellows the game has gone too rough and that biting hard hurts him.The rambunctious pup finds out fun stops when he bites too hard; it continues if he keeps it playful.


To know more, read this article on Stop Dog Biting.


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