Kiwi Birds
New Zealand has four species of kiwi birds; three of them are vulnerable or near-endangered, and one of them, the North Island brown kiwi, is considered endangered by IUCN. Although numbers are stabilizing through conservation efforts, along with all the subspecies together sort a total population of 35,000, an alarming 94 percent of chicks die before they reach breeding age.
About the size of a chicken, the kiwi evolved as a flightless bird because of the the lack of land predators in its natural habitat. Males along with females tend to mate for life, which is about twenty years. Traditionally, the kiwi was believed to be under the protection of the Maori god of the forest, Tane Mahuta. The Maori, who once hunted the bird but who now venerate it, decorate their ceremonial cloaks as well as kiwi feathers collected from dead birds or gathered usually in the forests. The word “kiwi” was given to Topical Zealand soldiers during World War I in addition to is now a common nickname designating all Up to date Zealanders.
The most common of the species, the North Island brown kiwi, has the healthiest population base, at around 25,000. It is found in the northern region of the North Island. The majority of chicks are killed by predators, especially non-native cats, pet, plus other little mammals. Smaller populations during the islands are threatened with habitat loss.
Education in addition to conservation efforts usually in the role of Current Zealand involve strict monitoring systems including radio-tracking, trained dog searches, in addition to invite-counts. Organizations are in place along with personnel to collect eggs in addition to place them in incubators before they could be attacked from the predators; once birds are old enough to fend for themselves, they’re released into the wild. As well as sustained territory protection plus predator control, it is hoped kiwi numbers will stabilize indefinitely.
“The kiwi is a biological oddity and full of character. Extra than any other native animal, they may be entwined in our identity as New Zealanders.”
-The BNZ Save the Kiwi Trust