Maintaining The Best Aquarium Fish

Aquarium fish can be fabulous and interesting for most people who love to maintain fish at home. Even though there is no aquarium fish is maintenance free, but at least there are some fish that easier to maintain than other fish using fish pond filters. These fish pond filters will help you to keep the water in the pond or aquarium clean, clear and healthy. But if you want to keep your fish in a sizable fish pond, pond pumps will be the key piece of equipment for you.

The best and easiest aquarium fish that you can nurture in your aquarium is those which are tougher in health and more forgiving of any mistakes, like the freshwater fish. These fish are suitable for the beginners who tend to make more mistakes in keeping fish. The freshwater fish are the Betta, the regular goldfish and the plecostomus.


The Betta which is also recognized as the Siamese fighting fish is probably one of the simplest aquarium fish to take care of as well as being one of the most beautiful fish. He has a robust physical constitution and has been famous to live in small bowls successfully, unlike other fish. He also creates less waste than goldfish.

Nevertheless, the betta is an aggressive fellow and often fights with other fish. He will slay another male Betta since he was breed to battle in fish fights. Female Bettas are more social with other tropical fish. They are drabber in color and have much shorter fins than the male bettas. They can eat the similar foods as the other tropical fish with a particular desirability to bloodworms.

Usual Goldfish

Many hobbyists claim that the widespread goldfish and its close relation, the Comet Goldfish are the easiest aquarium fish to keep. These goldfish are much more social than the Bettas and they have dazzling colors. They don’t need singular diets and they can tolerate just about any decoration you desire to plop into the aquariums.

But not all goldfish are easy to care for. You must know that the egg-shaped goldfish that have bubble eyes, swim slowly, no top fin or have long fins are not considered easy to nurture. They should not live in the same aquarium with widespread or comet goldfish.  It is because they swim so fast that the fan-tailed or egg-shaped goldfish will never be able to get their fair share of food.

The Plecostomus

The name “plecostomus” refers to a family of aquarium fish that has hundreds of kinds. Some of the plecostomus are harder to take care of than others. They are bottom feeders like catfish or Chinese Algae Eaters and need their own kinds of food. But any plecostumus you may see in your local pet stores among other tropical fish should be easy to maintain.

The plecostomus are fairly strong and tough if you compare them with other kinds of aquarium fish. You must be careful because they are quickly to overgrow in the aquarium they live in. It is commonly occur unpredictably and there is still no reason that can explain that phenomenon.

In order to maintain your attractive fish alive and have their enjoyable place to live, you must be aware of their foods and their habitats. You can have a book or search on the internet to get the best thing for your fish. This is to keep up your aquatic hobby.

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