Pet Breeders: Dogs and Cats
Are you in need of a pet for your children? Are you thinking of buying one from a pet shop or searching for a free pet? Times have changed and you are very unlikely to end up with a free pet. Buying a pet from a pet shop could be expensive too. But this wouldn’t obviously stop you from buying a pet if you are an animal lover.
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There are some pet breeders who sell even the smallest cat or dog they have for a high price. Dogs such as Golden Retrievers come in prices ranging from $500 to around $800. Maine Coon cats can come with price tags of $800 or even more. If you are in need of a rare type of exotic pet, be sure of being asked for much higher prices.
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Many pets you see in pet shops come from different pet breeders. They are the ones who make it their daily job to breed certain types of pets and sell them to pet shops. You may wonder why some pets are expensive and some are not. This could be because some pet breeders breed only one kind of pet. When the pet breeders specialize in just one or two types of pet breeds, their prices obviously would be in a higher range.
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A pet shop would be the best place to visit if you want to get a pet. But before buying one, it would be beneficial to search for more information regarding the pet. Questions such as where the pet came from, its lineage, and illnesses it may have or could have, etc could be asked from the pet breeders.
There are some pet breeders who breed their pets in pet mills. Such places are where pets are ill-treated. Would you want to own a pet coming from such a place? Obviously not. Make sure the pet breeders are attentive to the pets and also someone who loves animals and not trying to make money out of them.
Most pet breeders give their best care and attention to the pets and provide them with healthy living conditions. If you think that buying a pet directly from the pet breeders itself is feasible, you could do that instead of wasting time at a pet store.