Pet Health
Finding this site means that you are a caring person and want to make certain that your pet has healthy eyes, too.When the sun is not behind the clouds, please think about when you wear your glasses, your pet should, too. You know that it’s not good for them. So if you think about it, your dog should also be wearing sunglasses for pets. He has eyes too that should be protected just like yours. Most dogs at first will probably keep pawing at them. It’s not that they annoy him, it’s just something new to him and with time, he will accept them. And, I know that you love your dog.
I have a Scottie and she wears her sunglasses when we are outdoors. When we go to the park, the kids all love to see her with them on.Friends giggle at the site of her with them on.When the other mothers and I sit at the slide area with the kids, it is amazing how many of the children are wearing sunglasses now a days. We had all just never thought about how much the bright sun damages your eyes without a good pair of sunglasses on to protect them.
What a great day we had at the pet plaza learning all about why dark lenses are a must for protecting the eyes of your pet. I talked to his daddy about where he bought them to fit so well. He gave me this terrific online site that he bought his dog’s sunglasses.Find out where to buy the outstanding values for your pet on the net. When you get to my site, just go to the search button at the top in the middle and put in the search box “sunglasses”.You will be able to buy not only your pet’s doggles, but will also be able to get you some too. Make sure you click on the “Doggles” button. They are a brand of sunglasses, top of the line, but a little bit expensive. So depending on what you and your dog do while outdoors, these “Doggles” will meet with any requirements you have.
Maybe you and your dog go boating on the weekends.Protection should always be the first thing that you think of for your pet, so make sure he has his lifevest and sunglasses on. Since they come in a variety of colors and sizes, I hope you would also consider having him wear them. I have a pink pair of “Doggles” for Kisa with the hot pink lenses. Since she is a Scottish terrier, she wears the medium size. And with her black coat, the pink are great looking on her.The boat that we use for recreation is in much use on weekends and holidays.
During the winter time when we have a lot of snow, she wears them outside when we are sledding with the kids down the hills in our neighborhood. A couple of other neighbors have gotten their dogs some, but one got the black with the smoke lenses.Tippy is a french poodle that is the standard breed and the large size doggles are a great fit. The other dog, Shadow, is an older Labrador and she wears the large sunglasses, but they got the blue with the blue lenses for her. You’ll be able to see all that is available, including the interchangeable lenses when you go to my site to look at them.
I hope this has helped for you and your dog’s needs and why sunglasses for pets are so important. Thank you for stopping by. Have fun looking at all the options you have for your pet. Now go play fetch outside with your most trusted friend and have some fun!