Some Of The Endangered Animals Of The World
There are certainly a lot of animals out there that are in danger of being wiped out, some are at greater risk than others. Here are just a few of the endangered animals and of course the main reasons why they are so endangered.
The Polar Bear
Easily one of my favourite creatures in the world and although they currently not endangered their future is certainly far from certain as there are only around 25,000 of these left in the wild. If we do not do something a bout it they are going to be endangered in the very near future. One of the main reasons for this is thanks to global warming and the melting of the ice, they cannot hunt in the water very well
The Orangutan
These are animals that are very endangered indeed and it is all thanks to us destroying the land that they live in, it is not too late to save them. Of course it would seem the only way we can actually stop these poor creatures from dying out is to stop taking their habitat away from them.
The African Elephant (Savanna)
A lot of people think they actually know why these creatures are in danger? Well no it is surprisingly enough not because of poachers but because of human, elephant conflict over crops. There have been many fights broken out and deaths on both sides when it comes to the elephants eating and picking at crops. The usual solution to this kind of thing is to put up a chilli fence as elephants do not like it. If this still actually does not work then you need to throw chilli bombs at them.
Of course the usual emergency vet wouldn’t give animal physiotherapy or animal homeopathy to an elephant or a polar bear but if you think your pet has something wrong with them then you need to do something about it.