Posts tagged with guinea pigs cages

Guinea Pigs As Pets

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

Cavies or Guinea Pigs as they are better known is originally from South America and believe it or not has been a popular pet for over 400 years. They can be found in natural habitats in several South American countries including Venezuela and Paguay. While there are over 60 breeds, most domestic pet Guinea Pigs […]

Guinea Pigs – How Good of A Guinea Pig Owner Would You Make?

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Guinea pigs are wonderful pets with great dispositions. They need just a little maintenance and make superb pets for older kids. But guinea pigs aren’t for everybody. Here are merely a few factors to consider before running down to your favourite animal shelter or petshop to pick one up. Guinea pigs don’t do particularly well […]

Guinea Pig Cages – Characteristics of C&C Cavy Cages

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

What Exactly is a C&C Cage? Firstly, I used the phrase C&C cage in the title of this article. What does this phrase mean? This is a cage-building technology that has become ever more popular in recent years. C&C stands for Cubes and Coroplast – the two major components used to design and build these […]