Posts tagged with life

Ways To Maintain A Ranch?

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Life in a ranch is not easy. It is where ranching is practiced which basically includes rearing livestock such as cattle, sheep for meat, dairy or wool. Life is a ranch is romanticized in many western movies and people residing in urban areas are very enamored by it. In fact there are many ranches which […]

Are We All Conneced or Are We All Very Seperated From One Another?

Friday, December 4th, 2009

I overheard an interesting conversation the other day. The woman that was talking to another said that she believes we are all ‘connected’. After thinking it over for a bit, a few questions came to mind. If we are all connected then why do people feel lonely at times? One would presume that if we […]

Adopting a Puppy the Smart Way

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Shelters and city pounds in United States of America is becoming densely populated with many homeless dogs. Many of these dogs are taken in to these sheltering centers with no loving care or intension to do a favor for them, but instead to make sure that the streets are free from any homeless dogs. Thousands […]