Posts tagged with outdoor cat house

Protect Your Precious Cats With An Outdoor Cat House

Sunday, August 7th, 2011

You have several cats and love them to bits. You want to keep them all protected and not arrive home from your job one day and find one of them seems to have vanished. You appreciate some cats are born wanderers and this is definitely when they are likely to run into problems. The sort […]

Cat Cages Are Ideal

Friday, June 24th, 2011

Cat cages built down the side of your house with an entry for your cat into the home are ideal for keeping your cat safe. There are numerous hazards from traffic and unfortunately other humans as well for your cat. Even though you may only decide to put your precious pet in the outdoor cat […]

Cat Enclosures Are An Important Part Of Your Cat’s Environment

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Cat enclosures or cat cages can be numerous. They can be large, small or in between. They are also commonly called cat cage, cat runs and also an outdoor cat house.  Cat enclosures can be for indoor or outdoor usage or for a combination of these. They can be designed to accommodate 1 cat 2 […]