Posts tagged with pets

The Symptoms Of A Food Allergy In Dogs And Ways To Treat It

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

It’s only recently been learned that canines, much like humans, can suffer from allergies to particular foods or foods in a particular food group. Dog allergy to food is among the five most commonly found types of dog allergies, though the animal is usually born with the condition, a dog allergy to food might develop at […]

Horse Sand Colic

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Colic in Horse Each owner of a horse should be acutely aware that the health of the horse goes in cycles. These horses wouldn’t be considered animals if they didn’t get sick every once in a while. Most of the time, a problem with the horse isn’t really that big of a deal. This can […]

A Few Great Recommendations For House-training A Young Puppy Dog

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

  Having a new puppy at home is often rather like having a new baby at home! Educating your pet dog exactly what he has to do takes time and also persistence. Allow me to share some suggestions you must make use of when house-breaking your dog.   First of all it is best if […]

Dog’s Health – Four Complications That Dogs Can Acquire From Tick Bites

Sunday, September 4th, 2011

Dogs are man’s favorite pet. Some even considered them as part of the family. Just like a human kid, house dogs are given special attention by their owners. They are being fed, groomed and nurtured. When a dog is ill, it is brought to a veterinarian who specially cares for animals. One of the most […]

Why Pets Matter

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Animals that you adopt as pets have their own interests beyond your own. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, a pet only sees you for who you are and loves you no matter what. I have experiences with stray animals, such as cats and dogs, and I can attest to the fact that […]

What Every Aspiring Equestrian Should Know

Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Horses are magnificent creatures, there is hardly any animal that has such grace, vigor and power. To a large extent, our civilization was shaped by horses. Even the term horsepower is testimonial to this fact. Times have changed, horses are no longer a source of power and mobility, instead they are now primarily employed for […]

The Eyesight Of Dogs

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

The howling of dog in the dark believed to be signs of its ability to see things unseen by humans would make your hair stand on ends. In spite of this ability, vision is said to be the least sensitive sense of a dog. Our four legged friends are noted to have excellent hearing abilities […]

Finding The Right Type Of Parrot Food

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

If you are the owner of an exotic bird, you will definitely want to check out what the several food alternatives are. As you may already be aware, you’ll find a great a lot of sites that provide parrots food for your perusal. Having got that out of the way, you’ll want to be sure […]

The Dog Wheelchair’s Many Functions And Benefits

Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Unfortunately, there are a number of dogs that have been inflicted with injuries from accidents leaving them with restricted use or no usage at or for their legs. It’s the major factor why there’s a continuous need for wheelchairs for dogs. In the past, dogs which experienced injuries and could not move anymore on their […]

Better Horse Racing Tips Are Only A Click Away

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

Gambling is both cosmopolitan and profitable. The prospect of winning big is central to the appeal and longevity of this industry. One of its more widespread forms is betting on horse races. For over six millennia, this game has made overt enthusiasts from people of all walks of life.  Early nomadic tribes fromCentral Asiawere believed […]