Posts tagged with Weight Loss

Losing Weight Could Be Easier Than You Think…

Friday, September 25th, 2009

If you are over weight chances are that you are more than curious about weight loss methods that have been proven effective. Additionally, you are probably looking for methods that are easy and inexpensive to acquire your desired results. The easier and more affordable a weight loss program is the more appealing it is. Due […]

What About Those Weight Loss Statistics?

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Over 80% of the worlds population is overweight and out of that 80%, 10% of all overweight people are slightly to morbidly obese. When looking at these staggering statistics it’s no wonder that millions of people throughout the world are obsessed with weight loss. The problem is, the majority of people are going about it […]

How To Be A Champion At Weight Loss…

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

The dieting market is saturated with millions of weight loss programs that promise overweight people that they can being losing numerous pounds in less than a week. There are even many weight loss programs that promise people that they can begin losing weight within 24 hours. However, the truth of the matter is that the […]

Losing Weight After Pregnancy…

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Many women gain quite a bit of weight during a pregnancy, some women more than others due to their metabolism and any health problems. It is normal for a woman to gain approximately 25 to 35 pounds and loose 12 to 14 pounds during the birth. Leaving the new mother with approximately 12 to 21 […]

Tips for Dealing With A Child Who Thinks She Needs to Lose Weight…

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

Over the past ten years the rate of obesity in children and teenagers has increased at a rapid pace. This is down to the fact that children do not have a healthy lifestyle and do not do enough outdoor sports. Children are spending even more time indoors watching television and playing video games, they are […]

Simple Weight Loss May Be Easier Than You Think…

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

If you are overweight, then you are following the footsteps of many Americans and other individuals throughout the world. Today, it seems as if the world is going through a weight problem. If you do not believe us, then take a look around. While being overweight may be attractive to many people, it is definitely […]