Taking your pet with you on vacation!
This is one question i had posed to people, and would like you to think about, would you take your pet on your vacation? After speaking to a lot of people about this, i did get some very clear answers. I thought that it would be interesting to see what you think about this, and then gauge what you have to say about it.
There was a clear winning response, which actually took me surprise, many people said “No”. There are those that did mention, taking the pet with them on their vacation, could actually add more stress to “their time”. Some people actually suggested, that looking after their pets was considered to be like work. Surely a pet was bought as form of release from work, and I would have thought that people would have invested a little more take them with them?
There were quite a few people saying, “what is the point in taking your pet on holiday”. People started to weigh up the monetary values of their pets, suggesting that they are not welcome on the holiday because they are not human. There are checks and procedures that need to be active before you can even take your pet with you, many things need to be looked over.
It was noticeable though, that some people were interested in this idea, and seemed to welcome it. They suggested that a pet that has been in the family for a long time is like one of the family, almost like a child or sibling. Some people get very attached to their animals, and insist that they go with them everywhere. There were of course the people that said the dog or cat was a family member, but because they were animals, didn’t need to go on holiday, because they are “already on holiday”.
It was amusing to see so many alternative views on this, especially when people were chatting about Egypt holidays, or even Maldives holidays, this showed that people were prepared to take their dogs to places, even though they wouldn’t have much mobility, so is this right or wrong? Maybe Caribbean holidays would be better suited to the cat or dog?