The Importance Of Teaching Correct Pet Care To Kids
Abusive households are not the sole preserve of abusive behaviour towards pets; studies show that it happens too in ordinary non-abusive households. This tells you that children copy what they see and that this type of behaviour is not outgrown; it is usually carried on from generation to generation. The way in which your child behaves with pets and people will be the result of what he learns from your behaviour.
Kids Notice Everything.
Kids are extremely observant. They will carefully watch how you feed, care for and love your pet. They will pay close attention to how you respond when a pet has an accident, scratches the furniture, chews on your shoes, barks or whines. Adults can so easily become irritated by such behaviour. How you react to these problems will teach your children how to handle similar problems with their own pets as they get older. If your reaction to a puppy that’s misbehaving is not constructive, you will be providing a bad example to your child. Such an attitude could have a bad effect on your child’s personality and his future relationships with animals.
Good Approaches and Bad Approaches.
If your pet is exhibiting undesirable behaviour, then you need to handle it in a constructive manner. Neither your child nor your pet will benefit by your becoming furious; both will feel terror and confusion. Your pets are not insensitive animals, but beings that are capable of feelings and emotions. In many ways animals are similar to people. Their bad behaviour can usually be explained. If your dog’s toilet habits are unacceptable, you should find out why rather than just yelling at it.The questions below must be thought about so that you can learn the cause of your pet’s poor behaviour.
Do they spend too much time lying about doing nothing?
• Are they getting enough attention?
• Are you leaving them home alone too much?
Are they getting enough food?
Are they in good health?
Their behaviour could easily be caused by some uncomplicated factor. Only by looking at all the options will you be able to find out what the cause is. The cause of the misbehaviour might be discovered by carrying out a careful analysis. Help can sometimes be obtained by taking your pet to training classes or seeking the advice of an animal training facility.
If your pet’s health appears to have deteriorated as well, don’t hesitate to consult your veterinarian. Check the terms of your pet insurance policy too – if your pet has developed a condition for which they will need ongoing treatment, you want to make sure that your pet plan has full lifetime cover.
Taking the easy way out by just giving up is no solution at all.
If your pet is misbehaving, do not give up and do not even think about getting rid of your pet. Giving up is not the answer and it isn’t fair on the animal or your children to take the “easy” way out. Every year thousands of pets are discarded by people who find looking after them too difficult. The attachment we feel towards our pets is reciprocated, especially by cats and dogs. If pets need your help, you should not simply abandon them. The proper approach to solving the problem is to find out what is causing the bad behaviour.
Your child will get the wrong idea about commitment, trust, and responsibility if you get rid of a pet because it misbehaves. No child should be given the idea that running away from a problem is the way to handle it. Caring for a pet has proven links to a mature and responsible attitude in children, as well as promoting feelings of security, increased self-esteem and enhanced social skills.
The Solution.
If problems occur with your pets, then it is your responsibility as a pet owner to get to the core of the problem. The problems you are having with your pet’s behaviour can usually be sorted out by a veterinarian or other animal professional.
Your child will learn how to behave by copying you. Your example will be followed because children respect their parents. It is your responsibility to teach your child the right way to care for a pet. For example, you need to teach your child how to discipline the animal without physically harming the pet or emotionally abusing it. There should be no difference between the way you behave towards your pet and your best friend. They love you and you should show them love in return. Only positive and productive disciplinary action should be employed when your pet misbehaves. Never allow your child to do anything to your pet that you would not allow them to do to another child. You should treat a pet in the same way that you would a person. If a child becomes abusive to a pet, whether the abuse is intentional or not, the parent needs to speak to the child, explain why it’s wrong and then explain the correct way to approach the matter.
Providing the basics of food, shelter, pet health care and love need not be difficult or expensive. Having a pet will provide all the family with an enduring emotional and physical benefit.