The ‘Secret Weapon’ That Improves Dental Health…

hydro floss

People in the United States have a problem with their teeth. We are constantly on the lookout for ways to make sure our teeth say healthy. The link between Xylitol and gum disease is thus of immense interest. You see, by “link” we do not mean Xylitol causes dental disease. Rather, we mean that it might be able to help prevent it.

One of the main reasons people in the United States are so prone to dental disease and tooth decay is partly due to our rampant intake of sugar. We eat too much of it. An excess of sugar can have a weakening effect on the immune system. In turn, that makes the environment in your mouth very acidic. Sugar can cause the bacteria we all have in our mouths to grow out of control.

Bacteria that eat sugar, produce waste that is acidic. It could strip the enamel on your teeth of the minerals it needs. This can cause very weak teeth, which makes them even more susceptible to disease. Another tool that you may find useful is an ozone generator. It could be used to create an oxygenated mouthwash that carries great power.

That is where Xylitol comes in handy. It is said to actually not do all of the awful things sugar can do to your teeth. It is not fermentable. Instead, it restores the balance in your mouth, of alkaline versus acid. Bacteria do not like an alkaline environment.

It is possible to use Xylitol before retiring for bed. You see, Xylitol can stay on your teeth all through the night. Doing so on a consistent basis could possibly help to stop your teeth from decaying. It may even help cavities from becoming more sensitive. Don’t forget the power of oral irrigators. Every little bit of extra help is valuable!

Author: Scott wells

Disclaimer: If you have or think you might have gum disease or any other health problem, please visit your doctor or periodontist for advice, diagnosis and treatment. This article is for information purposes only and does not intend to provide advice, diagnosis or treatment for any health condition.

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