Tips on Getting the Right Cage for Your Giant Iguana

Giant Iguana

Iguanas are usually seen in smaller sizes. But contrary to this, iguanas can be so large that you will need a whole room for it to be able to survive. To build a cage for your iguana pet, this article can be very helpful.

For your pet iguana you have build a cage which should be enough for your iguana.

There are some beliefs in which iguanas growth size is limited by size and shape of their cage. This statement is not true and is sad to say. Your pet iguana grow faster on first quarter of their life span while in next half year the growth rate decreases.

When you want to buy a new iguana you must have a huge cage for it. A newly hatched iguana can easily fill out a 60 gallon aquarium in just one year if properly and healthily taken care off.

Iguana doesnt need a big cage in first 6 months. A large fish aquarium will do, but you should be ready to spend more after eight months because this is the time where rapid growth of your iguana occurs.

In cage of your iguana pets you have to maintain the suitable level of temperature and humidity. Albino iguanas are cold blooded creature and are reptile so iguanas need a environment which is warm and not so hot.

Total air temperature in the cage of your iguana pet should be maintained at eighty degree F, to do this you have to install a basking point to maintain temperature.

Different temperature should be assigned on different parts of the cage to allow regulation of body temperature for your giant iguana pet.

In this kind of situation the ercury vapor lamps and flourescent tubes are recommended. Veterinarians are surely against this idea. Infection can occur in your large iguanas because of hot rocks.

The humidity of the cage should also be taken into consideration. A sixty-five to seventy humidity rate should be observed for a proper iguana cage. This can be easily doen by installing a humidifier in cage of your iguana pet, if you feel it’s too expensive then you have to spray water on cage.

If you have an iguana pet then you have to add a bowl of water in cage of iguana so that it can add up to humidity inside the cage.

Proper light in the cage of pet iguana is very necessary so, you have to provide the suitable light in cage.

The growth rate of iguanas can be increased by providing the good dose of UVA and UVB lights. UVA rays kindle the natural behavour of reen iguanas while UVB helps iguanas to produce vitamin D3 which is essential component of digestion process.

Proper sunlight is very helpful for normal growth of your iguana pet so you have to make your iguana cage in such a way that proper sunlight can easily reached.

It might be quite hard for you to be able to build such a complex man made biodiversity on your own place but these are essential needs for you giant iguana to survive under your captivity.

If you want to have a igunana pet then you must have to provide suitable requirements for your iguanas.

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