What Every Aspiring Equestrian Should Know
Horses are magnificent creatures, there is hardly any animal that has such grace, vigor and power. To a large extent, our civilization was shaped by horses. Even the term horsepower is testimonial to this fact. Times have changed, horses are no longer a source of power and mobility, instead they are now primarily employed for entertainment and recreation. Riding a horse is a spine tingling experience and it’s dangerous if you don’t know how. The thrill of having such a huge and powerful animal at you command is an unparalled one.
That being said, if you are inclined to experience horse riding, you need training and you have to get acquainted with your horse. As goes the standard precaution with most things powerful, unless you have a complete understanding and control of your horse, it is dangerous.What you must remember is that your horse has a mind of its own, a mind you must understand. Show some love and try to understand him, only then will you have control. Seasoned horse riders are able to precisely direct and maneuver their horses, using specific body movement and gestures. Dressage is the term used for controlling a horse with body gestures.
Training a horse and getting to know it doesn’t require magic, all you have to do follow a sequence of steps and use your common sense. However, there are certain basic training rules that must be followed, even Jane Savoie Happy Horse fame recommends these steps. The most important condition is that you should let the horse know who the master is. Show some love but be strict. The best trained horses are the ones who were trained at a young age. Try not to encourage playfulness, you wouldn’t want to be crushed to death by your fully grown horse, would you? Try to ingrain obedience, an unruly horse is a danger.
Althought it might seem cruel, but use of a lead rope is a necessity and it really isn’t that hurtful for the horse. Jane Savoie a famed dressage expert has a course on horse training called Jane Savoie Happy Horse. In this much demanded training course, Jane present effective and succinct training guidelines.
As stated by Jane in Jane Savoie a Happy Horse, the secret to effective training lies in getting to know one’s horse and to gain its respect. Once you get the basics straight, you and your horse can move with the grace and fluidity of professional riders.