Why Pets Matter
Animals that you adopt as pets have their own interests beyond your own. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, a pet only sees you for who you are and loves you no matter what. I have experiences with stray animals, such as cats and dogs, and I can attest to the fact that they have brought a lot to my life.
What’s the reason pets are such an integral part of our lives? They required continued supervision. No matter what kind of a day we are having our pets still rely on us to take care of them. I know a woman who has M.E., and when she added a pet dog to her life, her symptoms were reduced. She had to wake up and let it roam into the garden. And, with his companionship she became more alert and engaged in life. She thought it was more easy to try to become more active.
You will find that a lot of attention is required. Choosing the pet food that is right for your pet, can be as time consuming as choosing your own food. I often commune with other animal owners in the pet food aisles as we try to decide which brand and flavor are pets are going to eat. However, we deal with this in a most loving and good humored way.
They are very inviting. It’s a whole different experience when you come home to a pet. First off, there is more of a need and a desire to go home when you have animals waiting on you. People who are unattached tend not to rush home. However, people find that they miss their pets after being away for too long, and look forward to coming home to see them.
With it comes a better outlook on life. When you have your cat purring in your lap or your dog is stretched out across your feet you’ll be reluctant to move and your priorities change. When you’re taking your dog a long walk or feeling concerned about the health of your cat, the day’s stresses and irritations just seem to fade away. One’s perspective on other things changes. Those with pets also recognize the occasional inconvenience that comes with sharing a home with an animal, such as a favorite shirt covered in cat hair, or an item that has been chewed up by the dog. Your priorities are rearranged as you smirk at the discovery and set your mind to be more cautious next time.
It does eventually get easier to remain calm. I have had countless items broken by my cat jumping up somewhere; however, I have found that it’s better just to let go of it and think of it as a chance to buy something new to take the place of the broken item. The primary concern is that the animal doesn’t get injured. A friend of mine had a cat that would walk across his keyboard and prematurely send out his email, so he had to rent out an office to do his work. It doesn’t help to be angry about it. The animal doesn’t have any idea what’s going on. Dealing with the situation in a head on and constructive way is much more sensible.
Our life becomes more precious because of animals. We learn a lot about patience, love, companionship and responsibility from them. Even though they can’t do without us we are certainly compensated by them. We are so sad when they pass away but at the same time very happy that they where a part of our lives. We will always have the memories and anecdotes as long as we live.
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