Clinical Signs And Advice For Treating Flea Bite Dermatitis In Dogs

Flea dermatitis, also referred to as flea allergy, is the most often detected type of allergy observed in canines and is brought on by the bite of a flea. It’s the principal reason for itching in dogs, and it only takes the bite of a single flea to bring on an allergy on your dog’s skin. Flea dermatitis in dogs can leave your pet scratching and itching for somewhere between a couple of hours to a few days and might take 3 days to a week to surface after the first flea bite.

The Causes of Flea Allergies in Dogs

Fleas can only be observed on your pet when they are feeding. Just like the mosquito, a flea will bite a dog and suck in blood for nutrition. While the flea does this, they inject a small amount of saliva below the dog’s skin that might contain around 15 separate allergy causing substances. If the animal is allergic to any of the allergens that have been injected by the flea, it will incite an allergic reaction that leads to the dog scratching. Just about half of all canines will suffer from flea allergies, and although the allergies are more prevalent in adult dogs, pups can likewise become afflicted with dermatitis.

Diagnosing Flea Allergies in Canines and Recognizing Its Warning Signs

Dog owners normally don’t know that their beloved dog has fleas because of their very miniscule size and considering how hard they can be to eradicate. What makes the task of diagnosing flea dermatitis even more problematic is the fact that it merely takes one individual flea to bring on a flea allergy and warning signs may not be observable for up to 7 days following when the bite from the flea happened. There does not have to be a flea infestation to induce allergies in dogs. The warning signs of flea bites in dogs commonly include excessive itching and scratching or biting of the coat and skin, inflaming of the skin, rashes, and reddening of the skin. Due to the endless scratching and itching, fur loss across the dog’s torso, primarily in the region commencing in the middle part along the spine to the start of the tail and also in their back legs region, may also be a very sound indication of flea dermatitis in dogs. The veterinarian can also detect flea allergies in canines employing modern skin and blood tests to look for specific allergy inducing substances and to eliminate other possibilities such as bacterial, fungal and yeast infections.

Flea Treatment Should Start Out With a Suitable Flea Eradication Plan

The initial step of any productive sort of flea treatment involves dog flea control both on the dog as well as in the pet’s nearby surroundings. Even if you’ve got a strict flea control program in place, it is not unusual for dog’s to still receive an occasional bite from a flea. Canines which spend much of their outside could pose a more grueling challenge.

Desensitization and Traditional Medicines as Dermatitis Treatments

A vet may suggest using desensitization as a technique of flea dermatitis treatment. This involves injecting the animal with limited quantities of flea antigen over an extended period of time, perhaps even the remainder of the animal’s lifetime. This type of treatment is normally successful in nearly one half of the cases, but could possibly become really expensive in the end. Antihistamines and traditional medicines, like steroids, are also often administered by the vet to remedy dermatitis. These forms of treatment can often offer relief for flea dermatitis; however, it has been proven that there are substantial side effects that come with using steroids. In the long run, this type of treatment might be counterproductive.

All Natural Forms of Treatment for Flea Allergies in Dogs

Because of the side effects found with the use of steroids, a lot of dog owners are turning to herbal treatments for dermatitis. There are many natural ingredients utilized in these herbal formulas that are not just safe, but effective. German Chamomile has been used for centuries to cleanse and soothe the skin. Other herbs have also been proven to aid in enhancing total skin health and give soothing and restoration qualities to the skin, and include Witchhazel, Marigold and Cleavers.

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