Crate Training Yorkies

Crate training Yorkies is an excellent method. Crate training is a proven method that not only helps with housebreaking your Yorkie, but also can be essential for your regular training regimen, and can alleviate separation anxiety your new dog may experience.

Yorkies are well loved for their great qualities, which include independent, loyal, and being cute.  However, they are also capable of being a little stubborn. If they aren’t properly trained, they could become your stereotypical non-stop barking little dog. Most people don’t want this.

The concept behind crate training Yorkies is really very simple and easy to implement, but does require diligence. 

For crate training Yorkies to be successful, you must have your Yorkie sleep in it every night. There should be no exceptions to this, no matter how cuddly your Yorkie is.

The size of the crate is important and you should buy one that is only big enough to fit a sleeping dog and allow for your Yorkie to shift its position–no other room. Yorkies won’t go to the bathroom where they sleep, so this is the beauty behind crate training. If the crate you buy is too big, you run the risk of giving your dog enough room to go to the bathroom in the crate.

Your Yorkie should sleep in the crate every night. Other times the crate will be important is when you are not around to supervise your dog.

The benefits of using the crate are many.

The crate will quickly become a safe retreat for your Yorkie. Your Yorkie will want to be in the crate. Also, the crate will prevent your Yorkie from getting into trouble. By using the crate when you aren’t home, your Yorkie won’t have the chance to mark its territory on your carpet or put a hole in a good pair of shoes.

Crate training also helps with separation anxiety, offering your Yorkie a safe place that will decrease symptoms of anxiety like barking and destructive behaviors.

There’s a couple things to learn about crate training Yorkies. One thing to make sure you do is to give your Yorkie bathroom breaks before and after they use the crate. Also ensure that the crate is comfortable for your Yorkie, putting a blanket inside and even a little chew toy.

Never use the crate for punishment. You don’t want your Yorkie to start associating the crate with something negative, so it’s not a place for time outs or where you throw your dog when you are mad. The purpose of the crate is to offer a safe, comfy place for your Yorkie. This is so important when training your Yorkie.


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